So last week Hope learned about how Jesus is the giver of living water. Boy it's interesting to talk to her about our spirit vs physical bodies and how we can thirst in both ways. We read about the woman at the well and how Jesus told her that if she drank the water He would give her she would never thirst again.
I was talking to my brother about it Friday night...the difference between our bodies and our spirits...and how we are truly spiritual beings.
He quoted C.S. Lewis: "You don't have a soul. You are a Soul. You have a body."
Ponder that one for awhile!
We learned more about George Washington this week and how he became our first president.

We made Johnny Cakes out of cornmeal...another pioneer dish. It was commonly served with apple butter (which I found at the store). We enjoyed a tea party with the Johnny Cakes, apple butter and tea.
How fun...and messy.
For science we did experiments with water. We put some dry pinto beans into a cup, added water and covered it with plastic the end of the day they had soaked up most of the water and had swelled up and over the top. Cool.
We listened to highlights from the Nutcracker Suite by Tchaikovsky. What beautiful music he made. We will continue to study his music this week. Math continues to go well, but is really a struggle for her. Hope got 100% on her spelling test, which elated her. We had finished Sarah Witcher's Story last week and have a few weeks with no scheduled reading. We started a Nancy Drew (written at a younger level...shorter book) mystery about a pony. Hope loves it-of course. She did a wonderful job with dictation this week and had a good attitude through it. Thank You Lord!

Cool. I can't wait to do school. I should just get started...
Maybe you can peer pressure me into it. I respond really well to peer pressure!
She is VERY good at Language Arts and History I would say EXCELLENT! Do you do math first? Maybe even in 2 sittings? Math is a huge challenge in our home. Math facts "facts first" that is the motto here! BTW your daughter looks so much like your mom. (this is gathered from all the pics I have seen here). Oh and sorry about the Rockies :(
so cool, rose. i love seeing your 'school'. i can imagine what a challenge it must be sometimes.
it makes me want to homeschool sometimes too...but it isn't legal here...and i'm not quite ready to fight the government...yet :).
i have a recipe for apple butter if you're interested, not hard, just time consuming, but really yummy!
We'd love the recipe! Thanks. Yeah, to fight to home educate would be so stressful. I am thankful for the freedom to do it here. It is challenging at times, but so rewarding at others...kinda like motherhood. Ha ha!
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