Last week our theme was Jesus is the Bread of Life. One of Hope's activities was to make play dough. The kids were SO excited to make their own play dough, having never done it before! Hope chose pink (of course).

Emma chose blue (she goes back and forth between blue and pink as favorite colors...depending on who she is closer to at the time- Hope or Owen!)

Mixing and heating the flour, salt, cream of tartar, oil, and food coloring.

It takes a few minutes for the dough to ball up.

Owen chose blue/green so we could tell his apart from Emma's.

After the dough gets balled up, it kneeds to be kneaded till it's smooth! Love those puns!

They enjoyed playing with their new and hand made play dough! Great experience, but buying PlayDoh at the store is cheaper!

Another activity Hope had was to make bread. Last week we did yeast experiments, so this week when we used the yeast to make the bread, Hope really got a visual on what the yeast does to the dough. We had talked about yeast representing sin and how the Isrealites ate unleavened bread. She asked me why we were eating bread with sin in it!
Hope made rolls (with a little help) to go with our soup for dinner. We also made butter, but I forgot to take was delish on those rolls!

Letting them rise before baking.

The finished product...Yum!

We also made a bread of life napkin holder to remind us of her verse:
Jesus said to them, "I am the bread of life, whoever comes to me will never hunger, and whoever believes in me will never thirst." John 6:35
Hope didn't want to write the I did.
Hope's dictation assignment: Taken from The Courage of Sarah Nobel. We are loving this book which I read aloud to her daily. Hope's darling drawings just bless my heart!

I had to add one from Levi my little man. He is a JOY to interact with and it's so fun to watch him with that walker! He went to the corner and had I not been there, he would have continued into the street and down the next block. He was so MAD when I turned him around to go back home! So "it" begins! Lord, help me :)

We also studied about French pioneers who used Birch bark canoes bought from Indians to travel along rivers. Lord, forgive me for EVER complaining about anything related to my housing...those pioneers had it rough! Hope continues to do well in spelling, reading, and art. She struggles now and then with math, Spanish and writing assignments. Those are the times that we can talk about struggles, calling on God for help and forging ahead with determination.
Rose thanks for the comment, I just posted about today and it was fun! We tried to make bread that week and as usual my bread never rises, I guess I'm bread-making impaired. I loved Sarah Noble and had never read it before and we just finished Sarah Whitcher and we both loved that as well. Hope you have a great week!
Oh, I just love stopping by and seeing what you've done with your children in homeschooling them. My camera is broken and I wish I could post photos, but not for a few more weeks. Thanks for the ideas of what you do for art. That Usborne books looks so fun to do with the kids. Are you doing Singapore math with your oldest?
Mindy :)
Wow... I'm loving all these really cool things you guys are doing! Way to go on the bread/rolls- yeast is a tricky thing if your water temp isn't just right!
Hmmm... in the midst of "it" with Aidan and struggling. Sometimes it feels like the discipline I'm trying so hard to be consistent with is just a waste of time and energy...siiiiiiiigh. God always reminds me how consistent He is with disciplining me and He keeps going because He loves me... not lovin' every aspect about his age right now; most of it, but not the 'tude. ;)
OOOOOOOOOOoooooooooh, Kameron,
Hang in there! How old is Aidan? My Johnny is 4 and I am going through the tude as well. I just want to encourage you. This is a great opportunity to wash him with the word. The other day Johnny said, "I know, do all things without complaining or disputing. I can do it. I am the boy that does it all." on the way to the bathroom. Hopefully he knows he does it all through Christ. I'll be praying for you. Helps to know other parents deal with attitude too. Course I have mine and my kid's. Maybe that is why the Lord in His grace and wisdom has only given us one so far. Hahaha.
Well, dont be discouraged. Hang in there and if you have any tips let me know. I sure could use some! Gotta go. Some loud crashing noises are coming from Johnny's room. I think he is emptying all the toy bins. Now we get to learn how to pick up and organize and count.
Have a wonderful day!
We have the very same walker. Brandon is cruising around the house constantly with it. And Rose. Rose, Rose, Rose. How do you do it? I had such a challenge to get all the projects done in Adventures last year. Something tells me your time management is better than mine. Everything looks great and I can see that the kids had a ball.
You are such a hands-on mom! You are doing such a great job with school. You're kids are blessed.
And studying the how people lived in the past gives me a whole new perspective. How about Lewis and Clark and all the people on their expedition? Wow. Amazing.
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