Owen's big wheel bike has been "loved" so much that it's starting to fall apart. We were wondering if we could order a replacement front wheel since that's the part that is breaking. We were at Costco last week and saw this beefy big wheel for only $40 and bought it for Owen. It's HUGE and will take him a bit to get used to. It has a hand break and is nice and sturdy...all four kids like it and will get tons of use from it.
The box is almost as fun as the new bike!
Well, compared with most children, I'd say ALL your children are photogenic. They're so gorgeous and their eyes,....beautiful. Love those sweet Emmaline photos.
emmaline reminds me of a little snow white with that dark hair, fair skin and rosy cheeks..so pretty! And in this picture owen reminds me of his crazy parents (in regards to his personality showing up in the picture :)
I love their beautiful faces!!!! I was just telling Kameron that I was going through old pictures and can't believe what a bad photographer I am. Especially pre-digital camera (and ours is already pretty dated). I don't have enough of their faces or of them alone. Lots of their back though!!!!! Good job on ALL of the photos you take!
Ooooh, Melissa, good call on Snow White. She totally looks like that!! Wonderful pictures, Rose. I loved boxes when I was a kid- my all time favorite toy when I was a kid was a HUGE (or so it seemed) box that a washing machine came in that my mom turned into the COOLEST fort. Boxes are cool.
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