This picture shows the party that Matthew threw. Pictured are Jesus and Matthew..."Where are the other people" I ask Hope..."I don't feel like drawing them" she replies! She said there were life-savers on the table so that when they ate too much sugar, they could eat a life-saver to feel better.

I've recently been thinking about my daily schedule. I have had my eye on Managers Of Their Homes for awhile and finally got it. It arrived Friday and I'm almost done reading it. Now begins the writing down of all I feel God has called me to do as a wife and mother and the time I need to do those things. Next I'll do a page each for the kids. This is to be done prayerfully over a week or so. After that I'll discuss with Desi, revamp if needed and then write them on colored blocks of 30 to 60 min segments. The final step is to attach them (4 colors: Mom, Hope, Owen and Emma...hmmm, maybe Levi too?) to the master schedule. I'll probably do a slightly different one for Fridays, which are lighter school days and a few hours spent with friends. All this to say, please pray for me as I pray and seek God's will for my daily life. I know a schedule will keep me on track, help me to get more accomplished, help my kids to get more accomplished and ease a lot of frustration that comes from trying to managae the chaos that is our household! So, you, my friends, will you please keep me accountable to this? Thanks! Time to get Levi...he's calling for me!
Go get 'em tiger!! I know a schedule will help you to feel more organized but just a loving reminder from one who schedules every MINUTE and doesn't always live up to my plan, God's grace also covers the times when we fall short of our schedules. :) The trick is just to try again tomorrow and keep praying most of all. I will be praying for you and when my turn comes to try to "manage chaos" (I loved that), you KNOW I'm gonna call you.
Thanks Kameron!
I'll be posting pictures shortly, and I don't think i'll be with my family when they visit this summer, i'll be in Tunisia for most of the time. I guess it all depends on when they end up going out there though.
Ditto from Kameron. That desire to have managed chaos is so strong! You will do great!
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