Well, Levi turned 10 months old April 26th and I almost forgot to take the obligatory photo with Teddy Bear. All four kiddos have had their pic taken with Mr.Bear each month of the first year of their lives...hopefully one of them will appreciate the effort! Levi has just gotten crawling down, but if he's in a hurry, he still drags himself army style. He is babbling a lot now...says "da da" "ma ma" and "bu bu" but I doubt he associates those with anything or anyone in particular! He loves to eat and being the fourth has tasted much more table food at 10 months than Hope did at the same age :) Yeah, he's had a bit of ice cream...oh well! His newest thing...and it's so cute...is to tense his whole body with a big grin and I say how STRONG he is and then we giggle and he does it all over again. He likes to suck his thumb still and is a big time cuddler...lays his head down on my shoulder...mmmm, I can almost feel it now...the best feeling! He's down to one nap a day (but it's a long one) and is pretty content to be left on the floor and play with whoever is near. He absolutely LOVES our cat and can spot animals outdoors very quickly. He can almost wave and point and tries when he sees any animal. He is such a joy and gift from God and I am thankful to have him in my life.

p.s. pic of Levi in the box was taken by Micah...need to give props where they're due you know.
Your children are so beautiful and Mr. Levi is no exception. What a cutie. My 4mo also loves the cat. He gets his dance on every time the cat comes around, kickin' with all his excited might.
What a great thing to be so diligent with!
10 months is such a sweet stage, he looks like a lot of fun. So, so cute!
The top pic is my favorite- his eyes match his overalls!! :)
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