Thursday, November 01, 2007

What? No Snow on Halloween?

It usually snows on or the day before/after Halloween. Because of this we have usually stayed in our warm house or gone up to Thornton to enjoy the Kylander's fireplace. This year we decided to stay home because Desi had a late afternoon meeting.

The weather turned out to be wonderful. After dinner we suited up the kiddos and hit the streets. Our friend Brian came over with his two cutie pie dogs (his wife was home sick). We saw almost all our neighbors, met many new neighbors and had a blast! Once home we quickly handed out our large bag of dum-dums. It's amazing how CUTE kids are in costumes.

The best part of the night was as we were almost home. A full grown woman came up to the door behind us to trick or treat with her Safeway bag. She had no costume and Desi talked with her a bit. She wondered why people were hassling her for asking for candy and she said Halloween is for adults too. Yeah, that is my neighborhood.

It was the best Halloween for our family yet. I think the reason is the good weather...who wants to trek through snow or bitter cold wind? I think of all the "holidays" that we Americans celebrate, Halloween is the most community centered. When else are most people's porch lights on and doors open with a smiling face behind it? Hope you enjoyed last night too!


Alison said...

Halloween is really community oriented; it's funny that it's so "pagan" too! Your kids are awesome; i love the chicken!

ALL GONE said...

LOL i have never thought of Ween like that....i suppose it is interactive. My mom taught me to b such a fraidy cat and never talk to strangers. As a kid and up to now even. LOL Lock ur car doors :). First way to prevent car jacking.

Ok anyway, that chicken is the best EVER. U have been crackin up about that all week. I can't wait to meet emmalou. She is amazering. It's my fav costume as well. How you got her to wear it is beyond me! But I can't get enough. THAT will be a marriage slide show opp!

Call me this weekend if you have time, we need to have tea BIG time.

xoxox 2 the babies

melissa said...

glad to know that we are not alone in our appriciation for costumes and free candy handed out by neighbors..i know halloween is taboo for many but we figure a little trick or treating is waay too much fun to be ignored...for little kids it is just fun and exciting. And you are right about the community thing, our whole neighborhood comes out onto their front porches and visits with one another, people have so much fun seeeing all the cute kids! We also have the not as cute adults carrying grocery bags,it used to make me mad but now I just laugh! What kills me even more is all the moms who show up with a teeny tiny 1 week old baby and hold out a bag! I tell them to make sure they save some for the baby ;)

Mark said...

Melissa...that is so funny about the babies. Well, I guess anyone at your door with a bag counts! Glad you had fun.

Dori, I will try to call you when I'm up in the mtns...Miss you too!