Thursday, November 29, 2007

Home Sweet Home!

We all slept so well last night! It's so good to be home. We had the best trip yet to Cali, but there really is no place like home. It even felt good driving around last night as we picked up dinner. Weird. It's just so different here than in Murrieta, CA where we stayed for the past 3 weeks and I had no idea how accustomed we had become to things here. I'm not saying it's better here...just diff. One thing I will miss though...the weather was perfectly balmy there. In the upper 70's with a breeze and morning cloud cover. It was 36 degrees when we landed (with snow on the ground). I do love Denver winters though...I just cannot wear flip flops year round here!

Today I have one goal: empty all the suitcases. We had 10 checked bags (including 3 car seats in one bag) and 5 carry ons. Yeah, that is a lot of bags to unpack. Two of them were old suitcases filled with hand me downs. I think Hope got like $300 worth of the cutest jeans, skirts, shirts, coats, ect... Thanks again Rosie if you are reading this! One good thing: most of the clothes are clean :) I'm currently about 3/4 through...all that's left is the clothes upstairs. Levi fell asleep on the couch, so I'm staying down here till he wakes up. Here is my to do list...

My immediate to do list:
Mail sorting
APC accounting
Meal planning
Meal shopping
Get phone looked at-it won't charge with a new charger
Download trip photos (all 680 of them)
Put away Fall decor
Get out Xmas decor & tree
Look over Hope's home school for Monday

Next week to do list:
Christmas Cards (take family photo, order at Costco)
Write a gift list
Weather strip two doors
Exercise at least three times, hopefully 5 times

And now for a true confession: I am overweight. I knew it for awhile now, but have not wanted to admit it. Having to buy a dress for the wedding was not fun. I had to get a size 14 and it was not my first choice for attractiveness. All this to say. I need to exercise so bad. I need to eat better as well. My family will benefit from the choices I make to keep myself healthy. Poor Owen has food sensitivities as well and needs to eat very healthy for his digestive track to work properly, so this change will be good for him too.

I have decided to post my weight and ask you my friends to keep me accountable. I can say it's hard because I have 4 kids and home school, but that is just an excuse. So, here it goes...I weigh 185 pounds! I'm going to put a ticker on the bottom of my blog and keep it updated as to my progress. Thanks for reading!


kolorado said...

WOW...posting the weight is insane, but very gutsy. I am right there with you, only shopping for jeans which is ridiculously painful.

melissa said...

Okay, your to do list is stressing me out!!! It is very similar to mine so maybe I am reacting to my own stress. I don't have unpacking but lots of the other stuff combined with holiday stuff. How are you going to get all that done AND homeschool!?!? AND live to BLOG about it! I've mentioned you are a goddess right? You have just taken being honest to the next level with the weight thing...I'll quit whoppers and junior mints if you will! (my currant addictions)...I've fallen off the sugar wagon...or is it I'm back on the sugar wagon, no I think it's off.

ALL GONE said...

That sounds hectic with out 4 kids running around! Whew. Miss you love u.

McNeill Family said...

You can do this Rose! It is so hard. Especially feeding a family of 6 on a healthy budget. It can be done though! You do so much home cooking anyways and most of your recipes that you have shared just need a little tweaking! I have been working hard for the last 6 months and it is a hard choice every moment of every day. I am still so far from my goal but it feels good to make progress. This will be a new way of life not just another diet!!!! Diets fail!

Alison said...

I decided to make the same commitment to lose weight and eat healthy last april. I weighed 185 when I started too. So far, I've lost 38 pounds. I've been doing Weight Watchers and it's been the best thing ever for me! It's not a diet really; it teaches you how to change your lifestyle to eat better, use portion control, and exercise. I like it because I can still have sweets when I want them; I have a major sweet tooth. I know I sound like an advertisement, but look into it if you feel so inspired. It's changed my perspectives so much and I feel horrible when I eat like I use to. I'll be praying for you; it's definitely a challenge!

Alison said...

Just in case it's confusing...I feel horrible physically when I eat like I use to...not so much of a guilty feeling thing, although that does creep up a little.

Unknown said...

Unpacking is up there with one of my least favorite chores ever. Did you get it done?

How I admire you for being so honest about the struggle with your weight. I am like you. I have three kids and homeschool, but COULD do something about eating better and exercise, but I don't because I'm not motivated enough. I haven't had to buy a special dress, though, either. But I always feel the worst on Sunday morning when all my nice clothes are tight and I am so limited in my choices. We don't have the money to buy new I'm limited.

foldreformer said...

Rose, I did a weight loss blog a year ago and lost 16 lbs before I got pregnant. It REALLY helped to post my weight and losses and be accountable to my readers. I hope you do very well in your weightloss. I, too, need to get back into that :O)