Today is our last full day here in Cali. Time for laundry and packing...a trip to Trader Joes with a gift card we got Sunday. Our last meal with Desi's family. Tomorrow our flight leaves Ontairo at 2pm. I am so thankful to be going home!
Our time here has been amazing. Totally wonderful and amazing. God provided lots of special time for Grandma Jan and the kids before we left for the desert. The second day we were there we heard that G-gma Maxine had to go to the hospital. The whole time we were gone, Jan was busy with her mom and dad. Since Thanksgiving we've only seen her in bits. Lots of Grandpa Des time...and for that we are thankful! Yesterday we saw Maxine. She was doing so much better and is on the road to recovery. Too bad we could not spend more time with her, but God knows. Please pray for her recovery as well as Jan (she is spending a LOT of time down there). I think she'll have to visit us in the Spring for more good Grandma time.
Thanks to all of you who had us over and spent time with us. We are so grateful for the wonderful friends we have here. We will miss you all!
The foolish man seeks happiness in the distance; the wise grows it under his feet.
~James Openheim
Often people attempt to live their lives backwards; they try to have more things, or more money, in order to do more of what they want, so they will be happier. The way it actually works is the reverse. You must first be who you really are, then do what you need to do, in order to have what you want.
~Margaret Young
Most folks are about as happy as they make up their minds to be.
~Abraham Lincoln
~Abraham Lincoln
It was so great to meet you again. Your trip sounds like a success! Your kiddos are adorable. We will be praying for your safe return home and for Jan & Des. Keep posting from your blesses us more than you can know.
Family and friends are amazing but home is even better!!! Enjoy your trip home! I love the Margaret Young quote, I do feel like we have lived so much of our life backwards! The top quote top of your page, awesome too!!! Keep them coming, these make me go hmmmmmm! I am thankful for you my blogging buddy!
In Denver huh?
My folks and 1 sister live in Loveland. Neighbors practically. LOL
I found your blog through the MFW blogroll. I see you have 4 kiddos... I've got 5. I'll be happy to see how you use MFW through out your day.
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