Friday, November 23, 2007

Tidepools and the Beach

After saying goodbye to Kameron and Steph, we headed down MacArthur Blvd to the Crystal Cove area. Thanks to Kameron's recommendation we had a blast at the beach. I LOVE the beach and it is the thing I miss the most living in land locked Colorado.

Our Family
Beautiful views
The tide pools and coast
The kids enjoyed finding critters. A lady came out and showed us good places to look and what the rules of the tide pools are. Good stuff to know.
We found this cool coral just laying on the ground.
The kids quickly tired of carefully walking along the rocks and such, so we moved over to the beach. The kids loved the wet sand, running away from the water and finding treasures. Hope asked me why we didn't bring our swim suits. It was so warm I was wondering the same thing. We all got pretty wet. Oh well.
Levi loved the wet sand and chatted with the water. Shells were good for throwing.
It was so stinkin hard to pull ourselves away from the beach. Next time we visit Cali, we are spending more than a few hours here. It will be an all day event!
Every time we walk along a beach some ancient urge disturbs us so that we find ourselves shedding shoes and garments or scavenging among seaweed and whitened timbers like the homesick refugees of a long war. ~Loren Eiseley


McNeill Family said...

Rose--It looks so beautiful out there!!! I miss the beach the most! Hello Kameron!!!! I love your quote at the top today, it is so true, we love our adventures!!!!

melissa said...

Man, just seeing pics of the beach makes me long to be there too! There is something so amazing and inviting about the seashore.

Toni said...

Well? Don't hold out. What are the tide pool rules? When we were in San Fran in October we tried but couldn't locate any tide pools for the kids to explore. Do tell.

Toni said...

Well? Don't hold out. What are the tide pool rules? When we were in San Fran in October we tried but couldn't locate any tide pools for the kids to explore. Do tell.

Unknown said...

This was really neat, Rose. I love seeing your family--they are so beautiful!