Friday, November 02, 2007

Random Pics

I found these random shots today. So cute. I made the hat for Emma. Hope wants one now. The flower and trim makes the hat in my opinion!

This is the house next door. Dan moved out last week. The bank sent people to unload the stuff that was left. All day long people came to scavenge. I feel bad for Dan losing the house. It's happening all over the country though. Praying for nice new neighbors. Devin: now you can come stay with us and don't have to sneak in at night!

Dress up fun.


Alison said...

The hat is beautiful!

beckwanda said...

i would like a hat like that too.
put down the bonbons for a minute and start crocheting. or knitting.
come on...

Anonymous said...

I'm sad for Dan. Yes, it's happening here too. Homes being repo'd and each empty shell reflecting a shattered dream. I'm reminded to pray for those whose former homes stand empty.

And that hat. Crochet? If so, where did you get the pattern? Too cute (the girl, that is. Oh, and the hat is cute too ;) ).

McNeill Family said...

Interestingly enough.... Scott and I have done a few of these "trash-out" jobs for a realtor friend of ours and it is sooooo sad. Each has their own story that you can almost piece together as you "trash-out" the house. It is amazing what is left behind and always for different reasons. The kids help us and it has proven to be an AMAZING time for our family. Conversations, prayer etc. Some of the conditions are appalling, usually children live there too. Report cards left behind show some of the fruit of the living conditions. Another reason Christian educators and students are a true blessing!!! We try to take the salvageable items to the Goodwill. From a mortgage perspective it IS happening everywhere! It can happen to anyone!