Friday, November 02, 2007

Library Day!

Every Thursday we go to the BIG library downtown. They have a wonderfully fabulous story time and free craft at 10:30am. I go every other week with all four kids and my mom to help. The other weeks she will take one or two kids alone. We have really enjoyed getting to know Miss Christy the librarian. She uses colorful voices as she reads, has the kids get up for dancing or songs and uses a theme to tie in the books and craft. Two weeks ago I brought my camera to capture a "trip to the library" for posterity's sake.

The day was so warm we ended up getting wet in the fountains in front of the Art Museum. Mom and I were cracking up because of how happy Levi was (squealing with laughter) and then the older kids started playing follow the leader (Levi was the leader). It was one of the funniest things they have done in a long time. I'm sure the sophisticated adults sitting around sipping their lattes were appalled.

Thanks again mom for all your help and not running away from the noise our kids create.


Alison said...

That looks so fun. It's so great that they have so much fun together. It must have been a warm November day for them to be playing in the fountain and for the fountains to even be on. What a crazy winter!

Unknown said...

Playing in the fountain! And it was just snowing like crazy in Denver, right?

Anonymous said...

I want to play too! ;) And that library room is gaw-geous!

Robin said...

I love the downtown library! But I don't seem to get down there very often.

Robin (MFW blogroll)