Tuesday, May 08, 2007

You Want Good Food?

So, I have been swapping some receipes with a few friends (recently recommended some on this blog) and we came up with the idea of a blog that would allow people to share recipes that they like as well as to print recipes that others have posted. My talented friend Kameron has created a new blog to share these wonderful tasty treats. So
check it out here and subscribe (see the right side bar when you visit the site), you can get the new recipes as they are posted delivered directly to your inbox. To make it easy for EVERYONE to participate (because that will be the key to its success, of course), all you have to do is send an email to the site's email address with your recipe included. There are more details on the site itself as far as what to include in your email, but it is really quite easy. Anyway, we hope that you enjoy it!
(I ripped off some of the wording above from Kameron's blog-my excuse is that I am brain dead-at least I give credit where it's due)

Um, yeah, it's been a struggle to get back into it this week after being gone...what is that all about? Well, I plan on putting up the rest of our Breck pics tomorrow :) The kids and I planted 4 tomato plants today- those squirrels better leave 'em alone or I'll have to resort to the super soaker (it's pretty intertaining to try to shoot the city squirrells with the squirt guns). I also have magnificiant plans to plant sunflowers, carrots, squash, beans, corn and mini zinis. I ask you to hold me accountable to this ;)

I had a rough day yesterday (a friend of mine went back to drinking and I spent awhile talking to her Sunday night) and the kids were just their normal selves with a bit more bickering thrown in. Desi was gone all day doing fun things with a close friend and I was getting my pity party going on...so not good. I called him crying...wishing I had a good friend, wondering why God saw fit to make me a mother when I do so horribly at it sometimes, you know...not good. Well, I asked him to pray for me and God graciously pulled me out of my dumb pit of dispair. By the time Desi came home I was feeling better. He got $5 pizza and after eating told me to go out and be alone for awhile (something I needed). I went to WalMart to see if the lines have gotten any shorter in the past year (NO)...I'll be back to Target from now on! I did come across the plants and seeds and found Hope a new bike for only $34.00-new bikes are so inexpensive! She's been riding a bike sized for a two year old...high time for one her own size! Pictures to come soon. I then went onto Barnes & Nobel, got a coffee and walked around all the sale bookshelves for a few hours...how fun! I bought a few things for Desi's bday, my bday and the kiddos. I cannot resist books! I bought the 1st Little House on the Prarie book to read aloud to Hope :) and a book called Battlefield of the Mind by Joyce Meyer. I'll let you know how it is. That's so where I sin and struggle so often-in my thought life, which taints other areas of my life...but I know God is bigger than that and can help me and can change my mindset...I am not meant to live the "easy" life, but rather live "at ease" in whatever situation (often not fun) He puts me in, which gives Him all the glory and sets such a powerful example to those around me aka...my kiddos!

Well, it's late and I have rambled on and on. Time for a little shut eye before my caortic (that's orderly chaos) day begins.

OK, I am posting this on Thur May 10th...
I prayed over and skimmed the Battlefield book. I had a few friends warn me about Meyer...I know she's said some wacky things, but I had read part of a chapter in the store that was really good, so I was curious. I went chapter by chapter last night and realized that I'd do a whole lot better to just do a word study on my own regarding the things I am struggling with. So thanks to you two friends who said something...I'm gonna take the book back and get out my Strong's and chain reference Bible...


Paul and Kameron Morton said...

Probably seems unfair for me to say I've felt EXACTLY like that since I've only got one little guy, but MAN, I have felt like that. So, what, becoming a mom means you have no friends, or WHAT?! I'm really glad you got to get out and not feel any guilt about it and got some great deals along the way (what a blessing!!). It is hard to be thankful sometimes for all that God has given me- I always want just a little bit more. I'll be praying for your mind if you pray for my thankfulness!! :)

melissa said...

yeah, the real lean on, cry on, laugh with bosom friends seem to have dissapeared from many of our lives, currently I am confused by that and asking God why? At least you can cry on our blog shoulders :) It's good to admit defeat from time to time, keeps us humble and honest as well as completely desperate for God. About that book, could be good, but I am a big diliker of Joyce Meyer...so strange and has a weird rep with many christians. Maybe I read the Wittenberg Door too much :)
that poster is not of me! Flattered you would think so!
Gardening, though a ridiculous amount of work is good for the soul...hope you are able to get some of that stuff planted. BOOO on the squirrls!!! So cute but such troublemakers!

melissa said...

you and kameron complimented my decorating but I will have you both know that I (unlike the two of you) HATE to cook!!! Loath it despise it...but have made peace with this dislike for obvious financial and nutrtional reasons and faithfully do it day in day out. I just wish it was more fun for me or that I excelled in my efforts. I would rather be cleaning my bahrooms than be in the kitchen! Why is this? I wish I knew :)

McNeill Family said...

Rose, your link to the recipe blog is not working........Blog friends rock! We'd be ost and drowning without them. I just had this conversation with mu husband last night that you and Kameron are such a blessing to me!!!!!!

Starrs In Denver said...

Thanks for the comments girls...you are my blog sisters and sometimes I need your blog shoulders! Yeah, Joyce Meyers...I'm praying about the book...I looked it over again and again and it "seems" very Biblical, but I know she can be word of faith linked and all about money, so I will be careful-I'm wondering if it's possible that there can be some good there? We'll see! She is pretty odd on tv though! TBN is the only channel (we use rabbit ears) that comes in crystal clear...LOL!
~Fixed the link...thanks Denise!