Saturday, May 12, 2007

Happy Mother's Day!

To all the beautiful, wonderful and inspirational women in my life: Happy Mother's Day! Mom and Jan-may your days be blessed! I am so thankful to have you two as my moms! I value your friendship, wisdom and joyful attitudes. I thank God always for you when I remember you-knowing that my kids will have such fond memories of you and all the wonderful things you do with them. You are such beautiful women and the love you have for God and your family shines through all you do.

To the rest of you beauties out you who are single, widowed, married, divorced, have adopted a child, have lost a child or are praying for a child to hold in your arms...we are all on this journey together and need each other every day. Thank you to those who have been like a mother to my kids or your friend's kids or your neices or make a difference in our lives and we are blessed because of it. May you find peace and joy tomorrow no matter how you spend your day! Check out Girl Talk to read their last 4 posts...beautiful posts on all aspects of won't regret reading them!

To my own kiddos: You have taught me what unconditional love is in such an amazing have caused me to grow and streatch in ways I could not have without you. You inspire me to live in a way that pleases my Heavenly Father. You bring so much joy (and noise) to my life and I would be lost without you. I have messed up and sinned against you countless times and have apologized, prayed with you and you have forgiven me. I have gained small insight into the sacrafice God made in sending His Son to die on the cross to pay for our sins. He sacraficed His ONLY SON! What an amazing free gift of grace to us...His adopted children!

I am amazed to see God working in your life Hope, and to see you growing into a beautiful little girl who truly loves God and her family...who is blessed artistically and with the gift of giving and hospitality at such a young age. Owen, you are growing so fast and have a tender heart toward your family. Thank you for being the man of the house when daddy is gone. Emmaline, you have quite a strong personality and I am excited to see where it takes you...I know you won't take nothing from nobody when you're older! I love your kisses and cuddle time. Levi, you are so little still and yet that sparkle in your eye when you look at me...well, words cannot describe. I am amazed at how much I am enjoying your babyhood (being the 4th and all) it's like you're my first baby sometimes!

To my husband: You make motherhood such a blessing. You are an amazing husband and daddy and I truly cannot imagine having someone better suited to me. Thank you for pushing me closer to God and dwelling with me in understanding! I love you for you and all you do!

1 comment:

Paul and Kameron Morton said...

What a beautiful post- I feel blessed to read it!!