Wednesday, May 30, 2007


Two Mondays ago we went to the Denver Botanic Gardens on one of their Free Days. I love getting in to places for free! They have a Big Bug Exhibit there till the end of June and I really wanted to see them for myself. They are all made out of natural materials and the 10 various bugs were scattered around the gardens. We had a blast finding them all.

The Columbine (our state flower).

My budding (excuse the pun) photographer. I let Hope use our little digital to take pics. She filled that 1 gig up very quickly. I still need to look through those pics and see if there are any worthy of the blog (most were blurry). I gotta get her to hold it still!

Just after I snapped the above shot of Owen, this man (below) and his wife walked past us. I noticed the big black backpack and upon closer inspection saw the CAT! I had to get a pic, so I followed him for a bit and was so happy to get a good pic (a nice zoom helps). So, all you cat lovers out you have one of these yet to take kitty out on a stroll in the gardens?



McNeill Family said...

Another great bit of scenery!!! How do you find out about free days etc. in your area? I need to do some more research!

Heather said...

That picture of Hope is Beautiful! I can't believe how big the kids are even from the last time we saw you guys back in December! Looks like they are always having a good time though