I love this picture. I may order this shot as a post card for stationary.
The trampoline is the BEST thing! Our kids get so worn out and have a blast on it.
My how the time flies. I remember moving into our first apartment in Murrieta. Josh & Lori were our neighbors and little Abby wasn't even walking yet. I saw her take some of her first steps :) She'll be 8 on June 5th. Our little broods have grown and it's such a blessing!
I love friends!!!! I am also happy to see we are not the only people without a net on the trampoline. Our net was destroyed after hours of use and we have not been able to replace it yet!
Honestly, these pictures are absolutely PRECIOUS! The one of the girls in dress up takes the prize though. HOW CUTE IS THAT?!
great shot of levi...super cool.
What a blessing that your friends have kids that are friends with your kids (it makes sense in my mind)... that is cool. The pic of Levi is awesome.
love the 2nd pic - the blue sky background is beautiful!
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