In honor of their birthdays (Micah -May 30, Desi and Jason -May 31) the kids and I made this really rich cake and decorated it in a motorcycle theme.
We enjoyed a nice dinner, yummie cake and good conversation after the kiddos went to bed. I love the above pics. Check out Emma's face in the middle shot and Levi in the bottom one!
P.S. Desi, you are an amazing man. I thank God daily for your love, encouragment and guidance. You are such an involved father and that makes you so attractive! You make me want to be a better woman and I cannot imagine life with out you. God has truly blessed me with a man who "dwells with me with understanding"! I pray your 32nd year on this planet is the best yet. I am so enjoying this journey we are on together! I love you! ~Rose
Happy birthday Desi! Wow, are you old! (jk/I'm allowed to say that because I turned 33 in Feb ;) )And congratulations on the motorcycle license!
Becky and Phamily
Happy Birthday Desi, Micah and Jason. And happy late Birthday to you Rose! We love you guys!
I LOVE these pics! Especially the super silly one where Levi is looking at everyone. It reminded me of a certain bday party thrown for me with a swamp theme...i should dig out those pictures sometime...remember the boys running around the room with the heat on to make the room all gross and stinky/sweaty? Great pics Rose and great blogging! Wish I could be there to say happy bday to both of you!
I get the whole RICH cake thing now that I clicked the link!!!!!!!
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