Hope and I just finished her 1st grade work this Friday! With all this warm weather, it's been hard somedays to come inside and get it done. I ordered her 2nd grade materials and Owen's Kindergarten curriculum last week and it arrived Thursday. Opening the box was like Christmas! The Kindergarten curriculum is so extensive. I am totally impressed with it and look forward to starting with Owen. I'm thinking at this point we'll take 2 years to go through it (it has 166 lessons). Owen is really excited. Hope will be starting Adventures in My Father's World in which we'll explore US history from a Christian perspective. She'll make a timeline, history notebook, and a nature notebook. She'll also do Bible, US History, Geography, Science, Art, Music, Math and Language Arts. Now I have all summer to prepare and look through my teacher's manuals.
I am so blessed that God led us to
My Father's World and I am able to teach my own kiddos. I love being a teacher (well, most days I do!)
Our package was full of goodies including a new Bible just for Hope, a butterfly cage, ant farm, soda bottle bird feeder, magnet set, alphabet puzzle, map, music cd's, and a bunch of fun looking books.

The box and paper padding proved to be quite entertaining for our kiddos! I'm making a mental note to find a refridgerater box this summer so they can make a playhouse!

Awesome! Summer fun here we come!!! You are way on top of things already prepared for next year. I don't even want to think about it yet. Maybe next week!
We had so much fun in Adventures this year. And I tell you, I wasn't sure Olivia absorbed all that much from the state sheets until we played GeoSafari state game last week. MAN! She knew so many of the states and several facts too. All from Adventures.
We're on to ECC this year.
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