Sunday, May 20, 2007

Thy Kingdom Come on Earth as it is in Heaven!

Our friends Richard and Thomas were out to visit Mother’s Day weekend. We had a wonderful time with them and were blessed by their message of the Kingdom. I’ll attempt to share a bit of what they shared with us. They started off asking how many times church vs kingdom is mentioned in the Gospels. Church is mentioned 2 times and Kingdom over 70. Often church is telling people how to get to God’s Kingdom of Heaven, but we want to bring that Kingdom of Heaven here to the church on earth. If you think about it, we are the King’s ambassadors and He has a calling for us here on earth. I doubt He wants us to “just make it through” and finally get to heaven, but rather be active in bringing His Kingdom to earth. People should get a glimpse (or even more) of the King and what He’s all about by looking at us, His ambassadors. Our home should be like an embassy which represents God’s Kingdom. I think one of the best ways of bringing His Kingdom here is to seek God and ask Him what spiritual gifts He has given us and then to use them! We are all part of the body of Christ and He has gifted us in different ways for His Own glory.

God’s Kingdom came at Jesus’ first coming, but it only came in part. The full measure of the Kingdom will come at Jesus’ second coming. We are living in two ages simultaneously. The old age did not end at Jesus’ first coming, but continues as well as the new age that began at Jesus’ resurrection. It has been compared to D-Day in WW2 vs V-Day. D-Day was the decisive battle that turned the war around and assured victory over the Nazi’s, but V-Day, when the Nazi’s would surrender and sign a peace treaty was still months away. So, Jesus’ death and resurrection was our D-Day against the war of sin and death and ushered in His Kingdom, but our V-Day will not arrive until Jesus’ second return to earth. So, now we are living in this tension of both ages where some moments of living in His Kingdom are filled with joy unspeakable and other times we struggle with our own sins and the evil in this world. I think it comes down to loving God and loving others which are greatest commandments according to Jesus. I have not attained this perfectly, but strive toward that end. We are all on a journey and I pray that we can focus on God and His will for us, use our talents to draw others to Him and to enjoy the journey! Micah is reading a book in which I got some of this info from called Kingdom Come (isbn:0830823638). I plan on borrowing it and reading it in full and will fill you in as I learn new things!



McNeill Family said...

Things that make you go hmmmmmmm! I love that they came and spent time with your family, what a blessing.

ALL GONE said...

As always, so refreshing. I do not cease to believe that what you are doing in Dever is transcendant. The way your beliefs and convictions have been molded is dead on. I often wish I had relocated to Denver. But I have to participate inadvertantly. lol

Thanks for the good reminder. We just love to run in little circles around ourselves, missing the big picture for some reason.

You bring so much joy and truth to the world Rose, I dub u the: TRUTH BRINGER!

Anonymous said...

I sure hope Des and I can meet these sweet people some day. Just from a photo I can tell they are such kind men who love Jesus. I love the shot of the man reading to my grandbabies.

Grandma Jan

Sean H said...

Some great fellas who we love.

It was a great and eye-opening meeting!
