I was at Target last week with Owen and Emma. I saw this sword for $1.99 and just had to get it for him. It has a sheath that attaches to his belt. He's worn it all week and it's just so dang cute! As I type, Owen and his daddy-o are camping with my brother Jason, Micah, Josh and his son Luke. I pray that the little guys do well (I think the'll have the time of their lives) without their mama's :) It's a total guy camping trip. They had no reservations, so they went to a free and open area where they have to be like 100 yards from any roads or other campers. No running water, no plumbing, ect... I call this real man camping. I'd prefer running water and a covered toilet! Micah took his camera so hopefully we'll get some good shots to share with you soon!
Oh weapons and boys! The campers will have a great time!
I was wondering where you have been Rose, is all good?
$2 is a great buy for all the fun and pretending he is going to do with that sword. I remember 2 years ago when he thought he was Peter Pan and he kept asking me if I was Wendy, and of course I said yes. I will always hold in my heart when Desi and Owen took us to the airport and Owen ran up to me and said, "I'm going to miss you Wendy."I said, "I'm going to miss you Peter Pan!" Funny how those little squirts wrap around your hard and squeeze so tight.
Grandma Jan
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