There is a cool gift shop/music hall downstairs with all the concerts ever played listed by year. The kids enjoyed the drums and keyboard.
Hope was on this sucker for a while. She gravitates to keyboards...I may need to start checking Craig's List for a used one...her birthday is in October...hmmmm... Wouldn't it be great to have a musician in the family?!
We arrived between rain storms and it was just stunning to be there...until I noticed these guys in bicycle attire...way to go with the spandex! A TON of peeps were riding up to Red Rocks and or excercising in the ampitheater. Running switchbacks on each row, or doing big lunges, or running down and up....then we spied a guy with a video camera....looked at the direction he was filming and saw this guy on a unicycle trying to jump down from planter to planter. I managed to get this shot before he biffed it so bad that he broke off a pedal. Yeah, no helmet is a great I crazy, or could he get a major concussion if his head hits the ground? I'm just glad he had to quit due to the broken bike so I didn't have to dial 911! (Click on any pic to see it bigger)
That's my little city in the background! What a view! Can you imagine seeing the Beatles play here? I want to go to a concert sometime!
That is crazy beautiful land!
Some mother somewhere out there would probably rather not know what her son is doing on that unibike! Boys scare me!
The unicycle guy & the spandex guy... just proves my theory that people are psycho. What a beautiful place (and seeing the Beatles there would've been AWEsome). That would be cool if Hope played the keyboard- I had a bout with that and I was thinking just today I wish I would've stuck with it!!
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