Saturday, December 08, 2007

We Love Snow!

But then again, we don't exactly live in the mid west! Here in Denver we get snow, the sun comes out, melts it in a few days and we're ready for more. It does not stay "white" all winter long here. I doubt I'd love it as much if I had to deal with it daily for months on end. Here are a few pics from the kids playing outside tonight. They were in and out all day, usually playing alone, but tonight all four got in on the action. Even Bedhead (our cat) made it out for a bit. Owen called to me, "Mom, there's a mystery out here! Some dog got in our yard! Look at the foot prints!" I was sort of bummed to tell him it was the cat, but he thought it was pretty cool anyhow.

Hope got to go with my mom to the Ladies Christmas Tea last night. It was sort of short notice and I wish she had something really fancy to wear, but she looked wonderful in her cute brown outfit. She even got new shoes to wear with it! They had a wonderful time. Thanks mom for taking her!


Unknown said...

Beautiful snow!! We are getting ice right now in the mid-west. Enjoy your snow. :P

Beautiful home!! I love your lights on the window. I may steal your idea... our tree is hidden in the back as well.

Beautiful daughter!! I hope she enjoyed herself at the tea. She looked lovely!

Alison said...

Looks like a winter wonderland! I am so happy that the snow here melts too. Your tree and house look sooo beautiful; i love it!