Sunday, December 30, 2007

Hope's First Job

Tomorrow will be the last day of Hope's first job. Our friends have been on holiday and asked Hope to come over to feed, love and play with their two dogs. Toby and Rudy are so sweet and cute and Hope adores them (of course). She was overjoyed at the prospect of "getting a job". One of our families favorite Arthur (PBS cartoon) books is called Pet Business where Arthur gets a job watching people's pets. Desi has been taking Hope over once or twice a day. He reads and she does her job. Tonight I took Hope and Levi over to love on the dogs before a shopping trip to Target (I will love not buying diapers someday). I wanted to snap a few shots to send to our friends and here they are!


1 comment:

melissa said...

cute! she'll remember that..I remember some of my first jobs! And like i said already, I love your flash!