Thanks to Kelley for the laughs. It was great to see you and meet your wonderful family last month!
Oh, the comfort, the inexpressible comfort of feeling safe with a person, having neither to weigh thoughts nor measure words, but pouring them all out, just as they are, chaff and grain together, certain that a faithful hand will take and sift them, keep what is worth keeping, and with a breath of kindness blow the rest away. ~Dinah Craik
BAHAHAHAHA! Rose, you cracked me up,...again. Love the turquoise mullet flashback.
Yeah....I'm not so sure mullets were still in style in '92 but we'll let it slide since it's Desi.
8th grade was actually 1990-1991.
mullets were on the way out but c'mon, melissa you know you love it. if you've got it flaunt it, right?
that was my bad on the dates. my brain is not working well right now :)
what!!! mullets are out? no one told me that!?! i was getting ready to grow one for our trip back to socal! ahh man, now i have to rethink my whole fashion and color coordination!
ps - does that mean i also have to rip the shoulder pads outta my shirts and dye them black to cover the lilac and turquoise????
Desi, I believe you have been flaunting your lusterous locks since we met so yes, I guess if you got it flaunt it...it puts you among the ranks of televisions's finest:
Hulk Hogan, Tom Selleck, David Hasselhoff, and Mr T...trends have come and gone but these guys are fo ever!
Desi, I believe you have been flaunting your lusterous locks since we met so yes, I guess if you got it flaunt it...it puts you among the ranks of televisions's finest:
Hulk Hogan, Tom Selleck, David Hasselhoff, and Mr T...trends have come and gone but these guys are fo ever!
Desi, I believe you have been flaunting your lusterous locks since we met so yes, I guess if you got it flaunt it...it puts you among the ranks of televisions's finest:
Hulk Hogan, Tom Selleck, David Hasselhoff, and Mr T...trends have come and gone but these guys are fo ever!
AHHHH! My computer is wigging out! I don't know how to delete comments so sorry for the 3 in a row!
desi, what did you win the science trophy for?
Flux capacitor or was it the slap it wrist band things?
so were bushy eyebrows also the trend!
i prefer to say power brows and yes they were quite in at margarita middle school. you should have seen all the kids wearing "lee's press on brows" at my middle school.
i think it was a water filtration experiment.
mr. pham,
while you are back in socal you might want to wait on that mullet although you could just tell people it's high fashion in germany. and tell becky to keep rockin' the turquoise, high shoulder padded outfits.
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