But your great-grandparent's walkers are not as fun as this one!
Levi absolutely LOVES his walker. He is still not walking on his own, but with this walker, he just zooms around the house. He goes from the kitchen to the living room, dining room (around the table), front door and down the hall to the kitchen again...all the while giggling, smiling and laughing with delight.
Levi absolutely LOVES his walker. He is still not walking on his own, but with this walker, he just zooms around the house. He goes from the kitchen to the living room, dining room (around the table), front door and down the hall to the kitchen again...all the while giggling, smiling and laughing with delight.
you are amazing. how do you keep your house so clean with desi and 4 other people living in there? plus have time to write so many interesting things and be such a huge blessing to me on your blog? i know it's all for me so thanks. sorry everyone else. and homeschooling. and ministry. and calling friends. and taking the kids to the park. and sitting on the couch eating bon-bons all day!!!
i am thankful for you!
by the way,
love the lizard.
Levi is taking after his daddy in the area of walking. Desi would have been happy to delay walking forever but he became too heavy to lug around. Finally out of desperation I put two chairs facing each other and spaced them about 3 feet apart. I sat in one chair and put him standing up holding on to the other chair. Then I had him take one step toward me and I caught him. Then I moved the chairs a little further apart, put him back standing up on his chair and then he took 2 steps toward me, and so on. He learned that he could walk by himself that day and took off from there.
Grandma Jan
that explains a lot about desi...
The picture of Owen is so great you can almost hear him laughing. I'm so glad your youngest two are doing so well- giggling in the house must be such a sweet, sweet sound!! Go, Levi, go!!
How fun! I love it when they learn to walk! The 'diaper waddle' is the best! Dariah is starting to walk around furniture now too. She doesn't have a cool walker like that though, she just pushes the kitchen chairs around! :)
Oh and congrats on the 3rd potty training!! We are working on Zachy, but he's just not interested yet. :(
I LOVE to hear kids giggling and laughing too. There's no better sound in the world!!! My sister has that same walker (for her son, not for her! :-)) It's so fun to get a peek into your life!!
they are growin up soooooo fast.
i wish we were there to experience it with ya.
such awesome kid you have.
they always brought a bundle of light and joy into my life!
love you all
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