This is our beautiful alley. Our house is to the left. Ok, so the alley is not beautiful and neither are the little red rocks that fill in the space between our house and the concrete. Desi and I have wondered about what to do with this area for years. This spring we decided to buy morning glory seeds and see what would happen. We planted the seeds all along the edge near the house (there is this ugly black tarp thing under the rocks that does not do a good job of keeping the weeds out).
Well, with a little water and sun, these babies have thrived! I just love the heart shaped leaves and beautiful vibrant colors. This plant grows like a weed and vines itself around anything. It's great to cover up an ugly fence, weeds or our red rocks!
The flowers bloom in the morning and then close up when the sun hits them. I am so pleased with the way they have made the walk to our dumpster a little more beautiful.
I plan on growing these every spring. The wonderful thing about them is you can harvest the seeds very easily to grow the following year. In fact, I've seen them come back all on their own in other areas of our back yard. Hey, I may just plant them in all our garden areas next year!

Be sure you use this blog for us...all others have been abadoned!
Thank you for impetuous cooperation.
You have an amazing way of finding the good in any situation! Wow!
nice flowers.
i am very sad that i had to find out about the calles blog via this post though.
really sad.
and i just talked to monica today.
that is it.
i am closing johnny's closet doors.
no more kakooey for him.
That is awesome and morning glories were a perfect pic for what you want them to do. My mom says once you've got them they're almost impossible to get rid of but they are perfect for climbing and any place they can really grow however they want. I planted some sweet peas which are one of my favorites because they smell amazing and like to climb too, but I don't think I used the right soil because they aren't doing so well. :( Your flowers look great!!
I have some white ones that I didn't even plant that come up every year on their own. I don't do anything to them except pull them when they get out of control. They look so pretty next to your house.
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