Katsushika Hokusai's block prints are amazing! To think he created this truly beautiful piece (
The Great Wave off Kanagawa) of art 175 years ago boggles my mind. I guess this is the first and most famous of a series called "Thirty Six Views of Mount Fuji." I would just love to see this in person at the
Metropolitan Museum of Art. We learned that this piece was done with a series of blocks. Some of his pieces were so popular that the block prints wore out!

My mom was on a road trip this week, so I was solo with the kiddos on this one. We were excited to see if we could do it!

We used styrofoam plates and sharp pencils to carve a wave design. I did most of the waves and the kids poked holes for splash effects.

We smeared on a mixture of blue and green poster paint with foam brushes.

This one turned out to have too much paint on it. We tried three before we figured out that it needed just a little paint (think stamp). We then turned over the plate onto a white paper and rubbed away with our little fingers. It was messy. But good art often is messy!

This was the result as we carefully peeled the paper off the plate. I like the round design.
Just beautiful! This week we will do Picasso inspired art.

This is a shout out to my man. He conquered the kitchen floor to rest of the house issue! Look at that lovely reducer piece installed and wonderful. He did 3 total and I love how it finishes off the floor. Thank you Desi! You are the best for putting up with all my "prodding." ;)

I still can't find this book!!!!!
I've seen that picture before and never knew anything about it, but always thought it was pretty cool (Asian art isn't my personal favorite, but I remember always liking that one). I love these posts of art days and what your kids are making. It is like seeing what would be hanging on your refrigerator (if it wasn't drying at the moment), except I really get to see it even in CA.
Those Usborne books are wonderful.
I'm thinking it might be worth the trip out to do art
class with you once a week!
Nevin & Mryn would love it and you have the teaching down! (and mom as well)
keep posting those rose, one of these days we'll just do the rose starr blogspot curriculum. it even includes my morning devotion...hahaha...
prodding? Is that what they call it now, I'll have to quit all my nagging and try some prodding :)
Good Job Desi!
Boo! I still can't find that book, guess we'll enjoy it vicariously for now. Rose if we lived close by and I had more money and you had more time I would pay YOU to homeschool my kids!
You all are so nice! I'll get the ISBN for this book and post it for you all!
Thanks for the great art idea. I think I'll do it with my kids this week for Art on Thursday. I should be preparing for school, bu blog-reading is much more fun!!
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