Over the past week Hope has been learning about North American Indians. We are reading the book Squanto, Friend Of The Pilgrims which Hope begs me to keep reading once we've finished the day's chapter. I love it! We made a wigwam on Tuesday and two teepees on Thursday. She really enjoyed making them and I helped a bit. She created a landscape to go with them.
The little white things are people.
Hope's memory verse this week is John 8:12 Jesus said, "I am the light of the world, whoever follows me will never walk in the darkness, but will have the light of life." We made these candles to remind us of the verse. They say "Jesus is the light of the world" and are covered in salt to give them a fancy effect. This morning when we had announcements, Bruce asked if anyone had any other things to share and Hope (I had asked her to share last night, but told her it was her choice) spoke up, shared her verse from memory and played a CD that had this scripture in song form to share with everyone. It was beautiful and Emma, Hope, Owen and I sang along. I pray that as we continue in our house church adventure, we figure out how to involve the kids more. I want her to be an example to the believers! (1 Timothy 4:12)
We have been studying stars and our universe this past week as well. Thursday after Moki Mix soup (Indian beans) dinner, we headed up to Red Rocks to star gaze.
I just "happened" to find a great children's book on star gazing the day before! We brought the star finder with us to try to identify some constellations. It took awhile for us to find anything, but after some searching, we found the big dipper.
We brought binoculars (didn't help), glow sticks (did help-thank you dollar bins at Target) and a nice blanket to lay down on. The kids had a blast.

I caught Hope reading a library book to Emma the other day. Owen couldn't resist listening as well. Those Clifford books are so cute and a great reading level for Hope to read to her siblings. Man, it is WONDERFUL to have another reader in the house ;)
Now, don't get me wrong, this isn't a usual thing for our house, but over all the kids entertain each other pretty often. One of the benefits of big families :) Yesterday Emma and Levi played in our backyard for OVER an hour while I cooked dinner. They were so cute to listen to and sneak peeks!
When Hope saw me taking pics, she wanted me to take a photo of a page in the book.

P.S. It's nice to recap the good times of the week. We had many not-so-good moments this week, where there was no love and I was wondering why God thought I could handle four kids...lol! I am still so far from where I want to be as a mother, but God in His longsuffering and lovingkindness keeps forgiving me, picking me up and giving me the endurance to keep on keeping on. This blog helps me look on the bright side and celebrate what I am thankful for...mostly my husband and kids.
ah, rose, this beautiful recap reminded me that it's not all bon-bons and seinfeld! i loved it!
Awesome post...your are a blogging goddess :) And I cannot wait until Luciana ir reading really well and can do the same for Ella Rose..she reads to her now but makes up many of the stories to match the pictures. I can't imagine what life would be like if my girls did not have each other to share their childhood with. Life would be so boring!
Rose I love the first picture of Hope. She did a wonderful job making the teepee's and wigwam. You are so creative to take the kids up to Red rocks and star gaze. They look like they really enjoyed it. You are the greatest.
Grandpa Des
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