As you can see from these pics, I got into a little accident.

I thank God that He was watching over me (and the other poor girl I hit) and that no one was hurt and our damage was little. It happened late last Sunday night. I was on my way home from the post office downtown and it was raining. I stopped at 21st and Broadway, looked, proceeded and hit this poor girl's cute red Chevy Caviler. I fully expected someone to get out and start cussing me out. She was so sweet and kind. I felt horrible and apologized again and again. She called the police, her car got towed and her parents came to pick her up. I was written up for reckless driving and have a court date in October. I will most likely be able to plea bargain for a lesser charge and instead of 4 points, get one or two against my record. I'm sure that will be an interesting day :)

I called our insurance and within about 20 minutes (2 phone calls) I was done. They were really great. We do not have collision so I am praising God that our only damage was this (the lights still work)! Our other van is on the blink, so if this were totaled, we'd be out of luck. Our total cost of repair was a couple bucks. Thanks to my wonderful husband for his great duct tape job!

Psalm 28:7 The LORD is my strength and my shield; my heart
trusts in him, and I am helped. My heart leaps for
joy and I will give thanks to him in song.
Oh what a bummer! Glad you are just fine. Very resourceful tape job!!!!
I am not sure about the state of colorado, but I do believe they take as many points off as how many kids you have, since there is a direct correlation to brain cell depletion and reflexation/reaction time in accident avoidation.
And don't worry, you are never out of luck.
Besides, I only have one kid and you should see my bumpers...
Yep, I have matching ends...
I don't know who that is that wrote the above comment, but that is totally funny!
I am SO glad you're okay and that God was watching over you (hm... I feel an Amy Grant song coming on). I don't know anything about the whole points thing- that will be interesting to hear about. I'm glad too that your van is okay... God is indeed good.
Wow, that's wonderful that the other girl was so nice. That never happens. I checked out your and I have totally similar tastes and it seems like we both have great, understanding husbands! :-) How old are your kids? (BTW, I found you through Toni in the Midst)
I'm so glad that you are okay and that duck tape is so awesome...not as awesome as God but still pretty awesome.
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