Last week Owen did two days of Kindergarten! I'm letting him take his time, doing 1-3 days a week depending on him. His first unit is Ss, Sun, Jesus is the Light of the World. Each unit has 6 days of work. His fine motor skills are not well developed, so writing is challenging. After a brownie payment (bribe), he agreed to use the grip and try for 5 letter S's. He did great and was very excited to show his work to Grandma and Daddy. It's interesting, he wants his letters to be perfect and gets upset when they are not! We're working on that.

This is a math page. He traced his name and wrote the number one. He then was asked to draw one of something. He chose to draw a large rock and write a large one next to it.

One of his projects was painting a sun with alternate colors for the rays (patterns). Emma joined in on the painting.

Working hard!

Beautiful job Owen!

I got a smile :)

Another project he got to do was make raisins. We decided to use the oven instead of the sun so it would go faster. We used the dehydrate function and at the end of the day we had raisins!

They were kinda sweet, but not all that flavorful.

Hope got to do an experiment using yeast, sugar and water. We mixed yeast with warm water and added some sugar, put it in a jar and stuck the balloon over the top.

The yeast uses the sugar for food and creates carbon dioxide. This showed us how bread rises. This week she'll be making bread and play doh as we study more about bread.

It was so exciting to watch the balloon fill up. Within minutes it was pretty full.

Hope drew what was happening and noted the time. I love her drawings :)

This is Hope's first dictation page. Instead of doing it from her grammar book, I chose a passage from the book we are reading (The Courage of Sarah Noble-the story of a young girl traveling with her daddy into Indian territory to build a house for their family on land he had bought). It was a bit of a challenge for Hope, but she did a beautiful job and finished it in one sitting (I gave her the option to do it over two days). Her drawing is beautiful! This is the kind of stuff that keeps me going some days! I am blessed, challenged and humbled to be able to stay home with our kids and teach them.
I love it.

What a productive school week you had!!! They will remember the experiments!! Have you ever heard of the Start Write program for penmanship? I use it with all of my kids. There was an initial cost but well worth it considering how much I use it.
It is hard to tell who is having more fun; you or your kids! And, with as much work as I believe homeschooling must be, that is probably a good thing. I love the yeast experiment! When we'd make bread in the bakery, my favorite part was always the initial 10 minutes after combining the sugar, water, and yeast and watching all the foamy stuff appear- and it has a weird smell too!!
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