FYI: This is a bit of a rant…which I tend to steer clear of. Yesterday the kids and I went outside to ride bikes before lunch. I soon noticed three street sweepers coming down the street. The kids waved as the machines cleaned our dirty gutters. It’s nice to have clean gutters. Along came a large dump truck (U.S. Department of Transportation). I watched as it parked about a block away. A few minutes later it moved around the corner and parked again. Soon it made it’s way to our block and parked across the street. It was rather noisy. I noted the time (figuring how long till lunch)…about 11:45. The kids kept riding and after awhile I realized this truck wasn’t doing anything. The driver kept it on which was really annoying. Now, I don’t know if he had anything to do with the street sweepers, but to me it looked like he was on his cell, smoking and reading some sort of papers. He ended up being there so long I took a picture. He was there for over 20 minutes wasting gas and sending some sort of emissions into the air…not to mention disturbing the peace. Maybe there was a good reason, but it seemed like a big waste of taxpayer dollars. How dumb.
He was probably on his lunch break, maybe you should have invited him in to join the fam for lunch.
Cigarettes for lunch IS pretty bad...but he could have turned the truck off while eating them.
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