Friday, February 09, 2007


Well, it’s been a long time coming and it finally came. Desi found his scooter. It’s a Vespa and Desi’s in love. It’s actually really fun to ride and is in excellent shape. We’ll have it for a long time and once it warms up we’ll both be riding it! It’s too cold for me…but Desi is a die hard. Jan, he bought a helmet, so he’s relatively safe out there! He wanted me to post some pictures so here they are. Enjoy.



kolorado said...

The Rocketeer

Paul and Kameron Morton said...

Lifelong dream #46: Ride a Vespa in Venice.

That is pretty cool and I'm pretty jealous.

the Phamily said...

hey desi you'd fit right in here!

they call me... tim said...

that's a serious bike you've got there des. did you trade it straight up for the van with some kid back in town? i bet you could get 50mpg on that hog... you could probably go someplace far on something like that. someplace where the beer flows like wine and where beautiful women instinctively flock like the salmon of capistrano...

Starrs In Denver said...

did you call ME "rocketeer"? you think you're so clever. don't you? why don't you come down from thornton and say that to my face you punk.
angrily yours,

Starrs In Denver said...

david and becky,
are there a lot of scooterist in freiburg? it is very european i guess. italian actually.

kolorado said...

yes desi it is very european, just like speedos on the beach, hairy backs and techno music. You would fit right in!

Starrs In Denver said...

i find it quite comical that you of all people want to talk about speedos. let's see, i've worn speedos how many times??? NEVER. you on the other hand wore them practically non stop in high school as a swimmer and still wear them to this day.
Also, your mother and brother both reside in europe while my mom and sister both bleed red, white and blue.

the Phamily said...

yes desi there are alot of scooters here in freiburg. but rome is scooter paradise! i don't think i've ever seen so many scooters in one place! and they don't obey traffic laws there either, they own the streets...and sidewalks! :)