Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Colorado Weather

This picture was taken last Sunday. We had church at our house and as everyone was leaving we realized it was pretty warm outside. We ended up spending all afternoon out front with my brother Jason, Micah and Amanda. We celebrated Owen's 4 1/2 birthday (a new tradition) with cupcakes and a song. The kids rode bikes, colored the sidewalk and played with Hotwheel cars. It got so warm with the sun on us that Hope changed into shorts and I put my flip flops on!

2 days later...

Just 2 days later it dropped down to what I like to call "WAY COLD" and we awoke to snow. It snowed again today, the sun came out for a few hours and it's currently snowing now. I LOVE the snow. It's so peaceful to see it falling and turning everything white (nice change from dirty old muddy snow that just won't melt). So, here's a picture I took this morning. Needless to say, the weather changes often here and some changes are quite dramatic! Do you like the two tone look to our van? I doubt it's ever been this dirty :)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wow. That's quite a difference in 2 days.