We had a little photo shoot a few days ago.
Oh, the comfort, the inexpressible comfort of feeling safe with a person, having neither to weigh thoughts nor measure words, but pouring them all out, just as they are, chaff and grain together, certain that a faithful hand will take and sift them, keep what is worth keeping, and with a breath of kindness blow the rest away. ~Dinah Craik
Yeah... I'm pretty sure these pics just made my week!
They are adorable!!!! I will be waiting to hear the stories!!!
they are adorable!
so where do they get the goofiness from? hmmmm.....:)
Johnny: Whose kids are they?
Me: Those are the Starr kids
Johnny: I am a star kid
Me: Those are special Starr kids
Johnny: I like the movie starr kids
Me: Would you like to play with the Starr kids?
Johnny: Yeah, then will I be a movie starr kid like they are?
ok, they really are adorable.. I love the last one of Emma, those eyebrows...such a desi face... and the first one of owen...boy oh boy, no words to describe. I think Micah was right. These made my week too :) Miss you all.
hahaha...if your kids were less animated I would be concerned, Desi being their dad and all. Those pictures are great!!!
Is it weird that I sorta envy micah for getting to spend so much time with the starr family? :)
Those kids are chips off of both you blocks!
I wonder where they get it from??
I hate to say "I told you so" about the Ritalin...but...
Huh... everyone pretty much covered it all. I'm so curious to see how God will use their spirit as they get older, aren't you?? :)
ROFLOL! Your title and a glance at the first photo immediately cracked me up. They're sooooo adorable.
Hey Rose, how do you get a picture to post when you leave a comment on someones blog? I've tried that over and over to load a picture and it never works. Any ideas?
I lalaluv it! Put those kids in film and pictures and make some dang $ off the drama! These cuties R starrrrrz!
So tap this link yo:
& tell me what ya think. MWAH, XOXO the babies for me.
Somehow I envision Desilou with the belt!
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