So, Saturday evening Desi got a phone call from Micah (who had planned on coming up to Thornton to meet us for dinner). Micah was on his motorcycle on 18th St in the left lane (one way street). A car on his right suddenly turned to the left and even though he tried to get out of the way, he was hit and flew off his motorcycle. Thankfully he was wearing a really good helmet, but unfortunately he was in shorts and a t-shirt. Amazingly after getting checked out at the hospital, he had no broken bones! His road rash is pretty bad and he has one stich in an ankle and 3 in his foot. We picked him up Saturday evening and have "nursed and loved" him the past two days. He is pretty much pain free unless he has to walk and will have to take a few days off work.
Pray for quick healing and that the gal's (that hit him) insurance will pay for everything. It could have been so much worse and we are thankful that he's doing well today. What a sobering reminder that life is a vapor....we are not promised tomorrow so let's make the most of each day we are given and make sure the people we love and care about know that we love and care about them!
~Rose"These things I have spoken unto you, that in me ye might have peace. In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world." John 16:33
Oh my gosh! that's crazy.. Tell Micah that he is definitly in our prayers, and like you said Thankfully it wasn't any worse.
Super-big owie. Thank God he was wearing his helmet!!
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