Saturday, June 30, 2007
A Little Of This And A Little Of That
Thursday, June 28, 2007
So, yesterday I arrived at the courthouse right at 8am. I was the 10th person to get the the jury room. Once all 13 of us were there we buzzed the judge's chambers. Then we waited. And we waited. And we waited. An hour went by. Another half hour. At this point I have read my book, used the bathroom, drank water, eaten a few bits of beef jerky, played poker and backgammon on my cell phone, text messaged Desi and talked a bit with some fellow jurors. 10 minutes later the judge comes in and tells us that he and the lawyers had been discussing the case. The D.A. had changed their charge against the defendant Monday so the laws that applied to the case had changed and therefore the judge called a mis-trial. YIPPEEEE! He said that it's not over, just over for us and we were free to go! You might imagine how happy we were!
I had decided on Monday to pray and seek God's will and that I'd just have a good attitude through it all. So I chose to trust that this was what God had for me and it probably meant our plans for kitchen re-modeling had to be post-poned. Bummer, but I figured it was God's plan. He really gave me faith to just trust and enjoy each day. So, all's well that end's well and Desi and I removed the tile from one countertop last night. We'll continue with demo over the next few days. We'll remove the tile from the countertops and the disgusting floor from the kitchen. I'll take pics and post updates as I can. Thanks for all who prayed regarding this jury duty service! I am so thankful it's over!
Here's some info I pulled from Wikipedia about trials if you're interested.
Criminal trial
A criminal trial is designed to resolve accusations brought by the government against a person accused of a crime. In common law systems, most criminal defendants are entitled to a trial held before a jury. Because the state is attempting to use its power to deprive the accused of life, liberty, or property, criminal defendants are afforded greater leeway to defend themselves than parties to a civil suit.
A judge may cancel a trial prior to the return of a verdict; legal parlance designates this as a mistrial.
A judge may declare a mistrial due to:
- The court determining that it lacks jurisdiction over a case,
- Evidence being admitted improperly,
- Misconduct by a party, juror, or an outside actor, if it prevents due process,
- A hung jury which cannot reach a verdict with the required degree of unanimity
- Disqualification of a juror after the jury is impanelled, if no alternate juror is available and the litigants do not agree to proceed with the remaining jurors.
A declaration of a mistrial generally means that the court must hold a retrial on the same subject.
An important exception occurs in criminal cases in the United States. If the court erroneously declares a mistrial, or if prosecutorial misconduct goaded the defendant into moving for a mistrial, then the US Constitution's protection against double jeopardy bars any retrial; so the prosecution must be terminated.
Tuesday, June 26, 2007
Happy 1st Birthday Levi!
He is not walking yet. That will come when he's ready. He is pulling up on everything and every once in awhile stands without holding onto anything. He loves to "brush his teeth" and throw balls. He can spot a dog across the street and point it out with gestures. He has stopped nursing and doesn't ask for it. His appetite is huge and his favorite food is bananas and organic animal crackers from Costco. He goes to bed very easily and still takes one long nap every day. I'll post pics from tonight soon. The cake pics are too cute. I have to be at the courthouse at 8am (usually am still in jammies at that time) so it'll be a few days!
Here We Go!
I am excited and enjoy the peace however I worry a bit about Desi and the kids. Thankfully my mom has agreed to come to the house for a few hours Wed and Thur to help Desi and give him a break. They leave for vacation Friday. I doubt the case will be over by Friday (though I pray it is)! Pray for Desi to have patience and peace with the kids and that they would be good for him :) Pray for me to have wisdom and enjoy the process. It is very interesting so far.
I'll blog tons more about it once the trial is over!
Monday, June 25, 2007
Chalk Art and Jury Duty
Saturday, June 23, 2007
Indoor Fun With Bubbles and Underwear
Friday, June 22, 2007
More Pics From Our Time With The Schaffners
The Fear of the Lord
Friday June 22, 2007
He with Us; We with Him
The fear of the Lord prolongeth days: but the years of the wicked shall be shortened. (Proverbs 10:27)
There is no doubt about it. The fear of the Lord leads to virtuous habits, and these prevent that waste of life which comes of sin and vice. The holy rest which springs out of faith in the Lord Jesus also greatly helps a man when he is ill. Every physician rejoices to have a patient whose mind is fully at ease. Worry kills, but confidence in God is like healing medicine.
We have therefore all the arrangements for long life, and if it be really for our good, we shall see a good old age and come to our graves as shocks of corn in their season. Let us not be overcome with sudden expectation of death the moment we have a finger-ache, but let us rather expect that we may have to work on through a considerable length of days.
And what if we should soon be called to the higher sphere? Certainly there would be nothing to deplore in such a summons but everything to rejoice in. Living or dying we are the Lord's. If we live, Jesus will be with us; if we die, we shall be with Jesus.
The truest lengthening of life is to live while we live, wasting no time but using every hour for the highest ends. So be it this day.
Wednesday, June 20, 2007
Botanic Gardens With Grandma Kate
On the way out we spotted these venus fly traps and had a blast tickling the inside with a twig to watch it close. The kids kept exclaiming...ooooohhhhh and wow! It was quite fun!
Tuesday, June 19, 2007
Friends and City Park Jazz (Sort of)
It ended up being quite possibly the most fabulous evening I have ever spent in a park. Friends, family, food, music (when the wind blew our way) and great fellowship!
We were getting ready to leave and noticed a few people had set up a slack line. They practice their balance on this line strung between two trees in order to train for mountian climbing. Lily was letting kids try and my little girls just had to get up and give it a go. Hope was a natural...very balanced and graceful.