Well, once again I find myself buying a large tub of Jelly Beans. Emma has started potty training and gets jelly beans for trying. She's so cute and doing really well. She has been sitting on her potty for the past few weeks with nothing coming out and finally this week she went pee pee! Needless to say we are totally excited. Could it be that we could be down to one in diapers by this summer?
Hope is really sweet in helping Emma. Here she is reading to Emma to help pass the time.

Sitting on the potty is a good time for a snack...

Hope drew Emma a picture of the family and Emma's potty...good reading material while waiting.

It's amazing what small things excite me!
yeah, it is amazing. must be a parent thing.
yes...it is a parent thing... but even you can appreciate the idea of no more changing poopie diapers and saving all that money.
I am proud to say that I have never once had to change the diaper of any of my nephews/nieces. Navy SEALs ain't got nothin' on my evasive manuevers.
very impressive Tim, I am sure your wife will be equally impressed.
There is no bigger hoopla around here than when ella rose gets the idea and gets it in the potty! we too are trying to get er done with using the potty...and man! it can be a full time job with some kids.
I think they should make potty training a service that you can hire out...basically a hired professional comes into your home and does it for you. Of course saying this only reminds me that i have yet to have the funds to pay anyone things i can do myself i guess i'd rather have a maid come clean before I paid an expert potty trainer.
Maybe Tim could cash in on this gold mine of a business idea.
Also, there will come a day when all the diper changing and general raising of children will be repaid to us - if we live long enough we may find ourselves in need of the same services we rendered our children. Hopefully mine will not hire it out :)
boys are WAY different than girls!!!
go Emma, you can do it!!!
those pics are soooo cute, especially of hope reading to emma...
Johnny basically potty trained himself...
You guys should be easy on Tim. He and his wife might have quintuplets and then you will have to pray for him.
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