Des & Jan and Jan's parents all pitched in to take our family to Disneyland as a Christmas gift this year. We were all so excited and planned on going the Thursday after Christmas. We got a later start, thinking we'd stay for fireworks and ended up in Anaheim around noon. As we pulled in closer to the parking lots we noticed that Disneyland had sold out. Has anyone ever heard of that??? How crowded does it have to get before they close the gates. Needless to say we were bummed, but didn't want to be there if it was that full anyway. So we had lunch at a very large and busy McDonald's right across the street (no playland). We decided to try again on Tuesday the 2nd. We got there and from the time we paid for parking to the time we entered the magical land it had been over 90 minutes. I think all the adults were thinking things like, "who's idea was this? and Boy, it's crowded and why are we here?" On the other hand, our kids were PUMPED as we entered. We headed straight for the castle and got in line for Peter Pan. An hour later I had gone on Dumbo with Hope and Owen. After that the weather cooled and lines didn't seem as long. We enjoyed It's A Small World (to see it all decked out for Christmas was great), Pirates of the Carribean, The Jungle Boat Cruise, Buzz Lightyear, Tarazan's Tree House, Alice In Wonderland and 2 more times on Small World (short wait). We LOVED the fireworks set to music and the fake snow set to White Christmas was amusing...all these people going crazy over foam falling from lamp posts. I like the real stuff better, but it was a lot warmer which is nice! The Christmas lights were wonderful and we just had the best time. Here are a few of my favorite pics from the day. Notice the girl's matching Ariel outfits...thanks Jan.
Des, Jan, Jerry and Maxine: THANK YOU so much. What a great gift! We will cherish the memories for years to come.
Shannon, thanks for all your help with tired kiddos!

I can't believe Disneyland sells out! Glad you were able to go before going home, sounds like fun! The kids are all so big!
How funny my mom and I went with ONLY Abby (couldn't fathom taking all of them) the day after Christmas! It was SOOOOOOOOOOOOO crowded. We were there from open till close. You couldn't see the asphalt it was so thick with people. I agree the Christmas decor was amazing!
Oh, it looks like you guys had such a wonderful time!! I can't imagine Disneyland selling out either... it must just be IN-sane!! I wish it would've worked out to meet up with you guys, but it looks like you had a full day anyway. It has been very, very warm the past couple days, so I'm glad you guys where there when it was cooler. Thanks for the great pics!!
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