Disclaimer: This will be totally BORING for most of you to read. This is a mother thing and I just need to vent, so reader beware.
Today was no fun for me. It goes back even further than that. Last night was one of the WORST nights of my mother-life. Emma got sick last Friday and it has spread to all of us save Desi. Our noses are running and raw, our throats are sore and the kids all have hacking coughs. At least I don’t have the cough. Poor Levi was doing pretty well for a few days and then last night… He went down around 7pm (a little early for him) and was up around midnight. I did all I could for him and was just so tired that I put an ear plug in and let him cry, hoping he’d go to sleep. An hour later, no such luck. I get up with him and hold him…he needs to be swayed- not rocked- no I had to stand! Finally he was down only to awake a few hours later. Did I sleep those few hours? Of course not, due to my cold. We had another date that lasted a lot longer than I wanted it to, with LOTS of crying. I was in such a bad mood…thinking all sorts of bad things…battling to have a good attitude. When I get mad (which I was) I tend to sin with my mouth…say all sorts of horrible things that I don’t mean, just to get a reaction in case anyone (like Desi) is listening. Now, this is horrible and I am prayerfully trying to overcome. Last night I just yelled things like “I don’t like this. I hate this!” over and over again. So bad. I guess this is sort of a confession. Now you know how to pray for me! Levi finally settled down around 4:30 and was up again 2 hours later. Desi came to my rescue, being the most wonderful husband and father that he is. I got to get a few more hours of really needed sleep. Desi had been gone all day yesterday and was gone all day today as well. It was just a long day full of Levi crying. He awoke and cried till late this afternoon. Crying just grates on my nerves like crazy…especially after little sleep and feeling horrid. Needless to say, today is one of those days that at the end, I cannot believe I actually made it through. God is so good in the midst of my selfishness and sinfulness. All four kids are in bed asleep and I am able to sit for a minute and recharge. I know Levi may want another date or two tonight, but that’s ok. I have NOTHING to complain about. As I look around me, blessings are everywhere. To have four kids who are usually healthy☺, a husband who loves me unconditionally, clothes, food, shelter and best of all a heavenly Father who knows exactly how I am feeling and despite my sinfulness, seeks to love me and show me the way to go. I have never gone through refining as I am now, in raising the kids that God has given us. I thank God daily for Hope, Owen, Emmaline and Levi who in all their unique ways cause Desi and I to grow, die to self and seek God’s help and wisdom. We are on a journey, Desi and I, toward knowing God better- to loving Him and enjoying Him forever...and discipling our children towards the same end. It’s a wild ride with lots of ups and downs and we are enjoying every minute of it…well, not quite every minute!
Wednesday, January 31, 2007
Monday, January 29, 2007
Random Pics
OK, so I had a few pics that I liked from my recent download and they didn't really fit into any category...thus random pics.
I was trying to get a close up of Bedhead and I guess the setting was wrong...but I really like the way this one turned out anyway! Mistakes aren't always mistakes.
Look at that fierce growl...what a mane...what a lion of a cat!

This is a close up that actually worked.

Poor little sick Emmaline...fell asleep on the couch. You know my kids are sick when they fall asleep in the living room!

Thanks to the Gorman's gift certificate we went shopping at Target and bought this shake and race-car set. We got an additional two cars. They are kinda noisy...but we love 'em. You shake them and they drive up to 20 feet...really fun to play with. We picked out a few other fun things too...thanks again Josette!

Emma in daddy's hat...just such a cute age...those 2 year olds...

My dad celebrated his 57th birthday on the 24th. We had the family over the previous Saturday for dinner, a big cookie cake (yum) and a rousing game of Hearts. Dad and I each shot the moon...thank you very much!

I was trying to get a close up of Bedhead and I guess the setting was wrong...but I really like the way this one turned out anyway! Mistakes aren't always mistakes.
Look at that fierce growl...what a mane...what a lion of a cat!
This is a close up that actually worked.
Poor little sick Emmaline...fell asleep on the couch. You know my kids are sick when they fall asleep in the living room!
Thanks to the Gorman's gift certificate we went shopping at Target and bought this shake and race-car set. We got an additional two cars. They are kinda noisy...but we love 'em. You shake them and they drive up to 20 feet...really fun to play with. We picked out a few other fun things too...thanks again Josette!
Emma in daddy's hat...just such a cute age...those 2 year olds...
My dad celebrated his 57th birthday on the 24th. We had the family over the previous Saturday for dinner, a big cookie cake (yum) and a rousing game of Hearts. Dad and I each shot the moon...thank you very much!
Sunday, January 28, 2007
There's Still A Lot Of Snow On The Ground
We have had 6 storms in 6 weeks. This winter has produced a lot more snow that Denver usually gets. It’s rare to see snow on the ground for longer than a week. We haven’t seen the ground in the backyard since before Christmas! We’ve had some warm days lately (30’s and 40’s) so the roads are mostly clear. Yesterday we woke up to huge snowflakes and close to 2 more inches of snow. It’s beautiful today. The sun’s out and our church group is sledding as I type. Another storm is on it’s way for the weekend. I just love it! The kids don’t get out much to play, so we take snow walks. It’s fun for the kids to trek through the snow in our neighborhood. For me it’s just nice to get OUT and breath some fresh air!

Seven Months Old and Getting Ready To Rock!
Levi is seven months old. I just am amazed, even with the fourth baby, how fast it goes. He is such a joy to our family.
His new abilities include: rolling every which way, push-ups…almost to hands and knees, saying “ba, ba”, getting his 3rd tooth (front), and using a walker. He is smiles all day long and loves to go through 2-3 bottles of food a day! Bedhead noticed Levi on the rocker and had to get in on the action.

His new abilities include: rolling every which way, push-ups…almost to hands and knees, saying “ba, ba”, getting his 3rd tooth (front), and using a walker. He is smiles all day long and loves to go through 2-3 bottles of food a day! Bedhead noticed Levi on the rocker and had to get in on the action.
Will It Float?
Hope finished her first science book for school a few weeks ago. Her new book is all about water. Every Wednesday we learn something new about water and do some experiments. This week was about floating. It reminded me of Letterman’s bit “Will It Float?” have you seen it? Pretty dumb. Anyway, we gathered a bunch of small objects and guessed if they would float before we put them in the water.

Hope was most surprised with the apple...thinking it was heavy so it would sink.

We also discovered how large metal ships stay afloat. She took a Ziploc bag, filled it with air and tried to push it underwater. We felt the pressure from the water pushing back. We enjoyed a few other experiments as well.
I love home schooling Hope. At times it is really hard and the house stays messier so we can get our work done, but it’s worth it. I love seeing her learn. We use a great Bible based curriculum and this week we covered the Passover. We discussed what it might have been like for the Israelites to have to kill a lamb and put it’s blood on their doorposts. And those poor Egyptians…every firstborn male being killed…all because of stubborn Pharaoh. It’s amazing to talk to Hope about actual historical biblical events and see her perspective on it. We talked about Moses’ mother putting him in the Nile and how hard that must have been for her, but she trusted God and He watched over Moses and even made it possible for him to go back with is mother for a time. We talked about God’s people the Israelites and how they are called that because they are descendants of Jacob (renamed Israel). She asked if we were God’s chosen people and I told her about Jews and Gentiles and Jesus making a way for us to be adopted into God’s family because of His death on the cross for our sins.
I taught her how to pray her Bible memory verse which is Proverbs 3:5 “Dear Lord, help us to trust in You with our whole hearts and lives and to not lean on our own understanding, but know You are in control. Amen.”
I could go on and on. The point is I want to be able to come back to this when times are hard and remember God’s goodness and blessings.
Hope was most surprised with the apple...thinking it was heavy so it would sink.
We also discovered how large metal ships stay afloat. She took a Ziploc bag, filled it with air and tried to push it underwater. We felt the pressure from the water pushing back. We enjoyed a few other experiments as well.
I love home schooling Hope. At times it is really hard and the house stays messier so we can get our work done, but it’s worth it. I love seeing her learn. We use a great Bible based curriculum and this week we covered the Passover. We discussed what it might have been like for the Israelites to have to kill a lamb and put it’s blood on their doorposts. And those poor Egyptians…every firstborn male being killed…all because of stubborn Pharaoh. It’s amazing to talk to Hope about actual historical biblical events and see her perspective on it. We talked about Moses’ mother putting him in the Nile and how hard that must have been for her, but she trusted God and He watched over Moses and even made it possible for him to go back with is mother for a time. We talked about God’s people the Israelites and how they are called that because they are descendants of Jacob (renamed Israel). She asked if we were God’s chosen people and I told her about Jews and Gentiles and Jesus making a way for us to be adopted into God’s family because of His death on the cross for our sins.
I taught her how to pray her Bible memory verse which is Proverbs 3:5 “Dear Lord, help us to trust in You with our whole hearts and lives and to not lean on our own understanding, but know You are in control. Amen.”
I could go on and on. The point is I want to be able to come back to this when times are hard and remember God’s goodness and blessings.
I Spy
Friday, January 26, 2007
Sick Children
Well, I have 2 sick children today. Emma seemed to be getting ill a few days ago. Today, Emma and Levi both seem to have fevers, along with hacking coughs and runny noses. They are pitiful to behold. At least Emma is cuddly, but her coughing keeps her up at night. Please pray for their speedy recovery and that God would spare the rest of us! I am so thankful that we are all usually pretty healthy!
Wednesday, January 24, 2007
"Martha was cumbered about much serving."-Luke 10:40
This was so good I wanted to post it since the devotional to the right will change by morning. I am really convicted of caring more about "getting things done" than sitting at His feet...worshipping Him with my husband & children, ect... I know that only by His GREAT GRACE, can I be a Martha and a Mary in one. My soul's health is so much more important than everything else. I pray that I can commune with God more and still have a connected heart to Him as I "get my things done."
In case you missed it...here's a copy:
C.H. Spurgeon's Evening Devotional
Wednesday January 24, 2007
Her fault was not that she served: the condition of a servant well becomes every Christian. "I serve," should be the motto of all the princes of the royal family of heaven. Nor was it her fault that she had "much serving." We cannot do too much. Let us do all that we possibly can; let head, and heart, and hands, be engaged in the Master's service. It was no fault of hers that she was busy preparing a feast for the Master. Happy Martha, to have an opportunity of entertaining so blessed a guest; and happy, too, to have the spirit to throw her whole soul so heartily into the engagement. Her fault was that she grew "cumbered with much serving," so that she forgot Him, and only remembered the service. She allowed service to override communion, and so presented one duty stained with the blood of another. We ought to be Martha and Mary in one: we should do much service, and have much communion at the same time. For this we need great grace. It is easier to serve than to commune. Joshua never grew weary in fighting with the Amalekites; but Moses, on the top of the mountain in prayer, needed two helpers to sustain his hands. The more spiritual the exercise, the sooner we tire in it. The choicest fruits are the hardest to rear: the most heavenly graces are the most difficult to cultivate. Beloved, while we do not neglect external things, which are good enough in themselves, we ought also to see to it that we enjoy living, personal fellowship with Jesus. See to it that sitting at the Saviour's feet is not neglected, even though it be under the specious pretext of doing Him service. The first thing for our soul's health, the first thing for His glory, and the first thing for our own usefulness, is to keep ourselves in perpetual communion with the Lord Jesus, and to see that the vital spirituality of our religion is maintained over and above everything else in the world.
In case you missed it...here's a copy:
C.H. Spurgeon's Evening Devotional
Wednesday January 24, 2007
Her fault was not that she served: the condition of a servant well becomes every Christian. "I serve," should be the motto of all the princes of the royal family of heaven. Nor was it her fault that she had "much serving." We cannot do too much. Let us do all that we possibly can; let head, and heart, and hands, be engaged in the Master's service. It was no fault of hers that she was busy preparing a feast for the Master. Happy Martha, to have an opportunity of entertaining so blessed a guest; and happy, too, to have the spirit to throw her whole soul so heartily into the engagement. Her fault was that she grew "cumbered with much serving," so that she forgot Him, and only remembered the service. She allowed service to override communion, and so presented one duty stained with the blood of another. We ought to be Martha and Mary in one: we should do much service, and have much communion at the same time. For this we need great grace. It is easier to serve than to commune. Joshua never grew weary in fighting with the Amalekites; but Moses, on the top of the mountain in prayer, needed two helpers to sustain his hands. The more spiritual the exercise, the sooner we tire in it. The choicest fruits are the hardest to rear: the most heavenly graces are the most difficult to cultivate. Beloved, while we do not neglect external things, which are good enough in themselves, we ought also to see to it that we enjoy living, personal fellowship with Jesus. See to it that sitting at the Saviour's feet is not neglected, even though it be under the specious pretext of doing Him service. The first thing for our soul's health, the first thing for His glory, and the first thing for our own usefulness, is to keep ourselves in perpetual communion with the Lord Jesus, and to see that the vital spirituality of our religion is maintained over and above everything else in the world.
Tuesday, January 23, 2007
Sledding In The City
Last Wednesday Desi took Hope and Owen sledding in the afternoon. We had just had a bunch more snowfall and it had warmed up...so sledding was an obvious exploration day activity. They went to Ruby Hill, just south of downtown. From the look of some of these pics, you'd think they were in Antartica or something. What a beautiful day it was. Micah joined in the fun and took the following pictures.

'Tis a privilege to live in Colorado. Thanks for the pics Micah!
'Tis a privilege to live in Colorado. Thanks for the pics Micah!
Sunday, January 21, 2007
Why I Love Sundays
I just love Sundays. I haven't always been able to say that. Desi and I were talking on the drive home today about how much we love our gatherings. We have quite a dynamic group filled with people of different ages and different social and economical backgrounds. I love to hear my "family" pray and talk about what God is doing in their lives. Sundays used to be so stressful for me...doing the setup, kids ministry and tear down. I just hated the time and energy spent in doing "traditional" church out here. Now, don't get me wrong, there is a place for traditional churches and the people who go there...but for our family...house church it is. I love the intimacy, simplicity and peacefulness of the way we meet. We gather Sunday mornings to praise, pray, learn and discuss. We enjoy lunch together afterwards and more fellowship. I am encouraged as I listen and learn from others. We are able to lift up needs in prayer and then activly fill those needs. We usually have a few of the singles over Sunday afternoons for football and dinner, which we really enjoy. When you think about it, Jesus said where 2 or 3 are gathered in His name, He's there...so we really "do church" all day.
I feel that my (and our kids) world view is so much larger living here in the city and interacting with so many different types of people. I am just so thankful that God has me in the place I am supposed to be and that I am enjoying it. I believe He has given me this joy. There are days that are hard certaintly...but everyone can say that. I am growing through these experiences and thank God for His longsuffering towards me. Thank you to all who support us prayerfully and financially...we are blessed.
Hope's memory verse last week was:
"Do not say, "I'll pay you back for this wrong!" Wait for the Lord and He will deliver you."
This is a hard one for me...biting my tongue when I'd rather let it go free! Keeping myself patient and calm in the midst of turmoil! My new mantra: "I will stay calm, I will stay calm, I will stay calm" ;)
Any thoughts?
I feel that my (and our kids) world view is so much larger living here in the city and interacting with so many different types of people. I am just so thankful that God has me in the place I am supposed to be and that I am enjoying it. I believe He has given me this joy. There are days that are hard certaintly...but everyone can say that. I am growing through these experiences and thank God for His longsuffering towards me. Thank you to all who support us prayerfully and financially...we are blessed.
Hope's memory verse last week was:
"Do not say, "I'll pay you back for this wrong!" Wait for the Lord and He will deliver you."
This is a hard one for me...biting my tongue when I'd rather let it go free! Keeping myself patient and calm in the midst of turmoil! My new mantra: "I will stay calm, I will stay calm, I will stay calm" ;)
Any thoughts?
Saturday, January 20, 2007
Potty Training Again!
Well, once again I find myself buying a large tub of Jelly Beans. Emma has started potty training and gets jelly beans for trying. She's so cute and doing really well. She has been sitting on her potty for the past few weeks with nothing coming out and finally this week she went pee pee! Needless to say we are totally excited. Could it be that we could be down to one in diapers by this summer?
Hope is really sweet in helping Emma. Here she is reading to Emma to help pass the time.

Sitting on the potty is a good time for a snack...

Hope drew Emma a picture of the family and Emma's potty...good reading material while waiting.

It's amazing what small things excite me!
Hope is really sweet in helping Emma. Here she is reading to Emma to help pass the time.
Sitting on the potty is a good time for a snack...
Hope drew Emma a picture of the family and Emma's potty...good reading material while waiting.
It's amazing what small things excite me!
Random Pics
Here are a few favorite pics from the past few weeks. I am really enjoying experimenting with the new camera!
Hope reading to Owen out of her 1st grade Bible reader.

Telling secrets...a very fun table game.

Close up of my paper whites

Levi and his girls

Levi loves Bedhead too

Close up of Bedhead...the best cat ever!

Hope reading to Owen out of her 1st grade Bible reader.
Telling secrets...a very fun table game.
Close up of my paper whites
Levi and his girls
Levi loves Bedhead too
Close up of Bedhead...the best cat ever!
Thursday, January 18, 2007
Happy Wedding Day to Jeff & Denise!
Saturday, January 13, 2007
Friends From Christmas
To our friends...it was so good to see you while we were out. Here's some more pics from the trip...sorry -I missed taking pics of a few of you. We love and miss you all and count ourselves so blessed to have you as friends. We know that if for some reason we moved back, we'd have a wonderful group of supportive people to welcome us back. Don't get any ideas anyone...we here for good (I think!)
Love ya all!

Love ya all!
Favorite Family Shots From Christmas
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