Monday, March 05, 2007


So, I started working out last week. Boy do I not like excercising when I'm actually doing it. I have about 20 - 30 (more would be nice, but probably not realistic) pounds to lose. Four kids and four years of nursing will add a little weight to most normal women! Kameron and I were talking about how hungry we are when unsatiable hunger most of the day! So, my plan is every morning M-F about 25 minutes on the bike. (We were totally blessed by some beautiful friends and were able to buy an upright Nordic Track bike on sale at Sears-Thank You!) So far I've done W & F last week and this morning. I am blogging about this to have my close friends keep me accountable to get moving. I am really excited to be able to do it at home :) Today I missed a morning workout, but got it in at 10 when Levi was asleep and the 3 olders were watching PBS. I am doing some push ups too and will add other bits (stomach crunches, ect) as I get used to excercising again. I totally love the energy it gives me and hope that the weight loss will help with my attitude as well :) So, pray for me to stay committed and lay off the sugar (not totally, just to lower my intake). I have a horrible sweet tooth. Thanks friends :)

P.S. Do any of you use Yahoo Instant Messenger? I just signed up so I can IM with my homegirl in Virginia Beach and was wondering if anyone else does. As a mother of 4, it's nice to be able to type-chat here and there (interruptions are not so obvious as when I'm on the phone). So, if you do-and want to chat-add me! My ID is starrjrfamily.
Time for dinner.

P.P.S. For those of you who know me know what a peep I am. I have some REALLY interesting neighbors and one who is CRAZY, so I peep out of my window a LOT. It's good to know what's going on, right? Well, the house 2 doors down on the corner has been empty for what seems like forever (less than a year maybe) and has been on the market since summer? We've noticed quite a few people looking. Last week we chatted with a really nice guy who seemed interested. We are just praying for some NICE = not crazy neighbors...maybe with kids? If you want to add it to your prayer list feel free:)


Paul and Kameron Morton said...

Wooohooo! Go get 'em tiger!! Loosing a chunk is really hard and sometimes it is a mountain so I take it one time. I say my mantra "I must burn off more than I consume" and try to add in little doses of exercise when I can (running around Aidan when we go out for walks, running up the stairs, parking far away in the grocery store, walking while talking on the phone). It is always hard to start but YOU CAN DO IT!! :) I'm really proud of you. You get this going now and when you're done nursing Levi, I know you'll lose a big chunk. I read somewhere online (so take it at face value), that when your nursing, it is actually harder to lose weight because your body stores the fat in case it needs to turn it into food for your kiddo. So, when you stop nursing, your body kinda has an easier time letting go. Like I said, I don't know if that is true, but I was encouraged.
I saw my dr. and he encouraged me to try to lose my last few so I'm working on it too. WHY does chocolate have to HAVE calories?! I bet it didn't before the fall.

Starrs In Denver said...

Thanks for the encouraging words Kameron! I need it!

the Phamily said...

go rose! i keep trying to talk myself into exercising, but haven't quite done it yet. i also have at least 25-40 lbs i need to shed...thanks for giving me more motivation..i know i'm not the only one!! and i'm right there with u on the sugar! but if u can handle dark chocolate, at least 70 percent cocoa it isn't fattening..i'll see if i can get some to u from here, it is actually pretty yummy even though it isn't so sweet. and it helps when u think 'i'm eating chocolate that won't go to my thighs!' :)