Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Happy 3rd Birthday Emma!

We had Emma's birthday party last Saturday evening. We had a bunch of friends and neighbors over and enjoyed pizza, cake and ice cream.
Emma had to have a purple castle cake...

Our little princess and prince...

Grandma Kate...thanks for the cool castle!


The other Starr Princess...

Blowing out the candles...

Opening gifts...

Thanks for the pretty new dress Grandma Jan and Grandpa Des!



melissa said...

okay....that cake, quite impressive rosemary! I am doing well if i make the cake, much less get a theme for it.
Next time I my kid asks for a particular type of cake I know who to get a hold of for some ideas.

Paul and Kameron Morton said...

Rose, the pic of Emma blowing out the candles- OH MY GOSH she is so cute!! How on earth do you keep from kissing those cute cheeks all day?! :) She's probably a "big girl" and doesn't do that sort of thing, but seriously... those cheeks!! :) The party looks like such fun and I'm jealous of the princess castle. I want one for my living room where I can go and the rule in my castle will be peace and quiet and the only activity will be blowing bubbles if you feel like it. You're welcome to come.