Ahhhh, bedtime…what a lovely way to end the day! Bedtime is pretty routine around here. If time permits there’s bath time (in 2 shifts usually), then jammies, brushing, flushing, story telling, prayers, hugs, kisses and lights out. It’s quite a process, but Desi and I usually divide it up. He’ll take the girls one night and I’ll have the boys and the next night we switch. I hate to be rushed and would much rather take it slow and enjoy some fellowship with the kids before they go to sleep. Lately I have been putting Levi on Owen’s tummy to say good night. Levi gets so excited that he squeals, smiles and kicks. He just adores his siblings and it’s so sweet to watch. I decided to get the camera to take one of those really cute shots of the boys smiling and laughing at each other and of course Owen wanted NOTHING to do with it! Oh well!

Hope was totally into it. I had to literally pull Levi off her!

Levi loves to lay in bed with the kids...

Levi got all serious with Emma...

A few bath shots...It's sooooooo nice to have Levi in the bath seat now. No more broken back for momma! Levi LOVES the water. I'll be interesting to see how he likes the pool this summer.

I usually give baths in 2 sessions, but we were in a hurry so they all jumped in together. Aren't they cute?!
Oh gosh, I love the picture of all of them in the tub together!! :) I'm lovin' that bath seat idea... we gotta get one of those next time. That baby tub we had was a killer!! I love the routine of bed time and I think it helps me relax just as much as it helps Aidan!
ok, johnny SERIOUSLY needs some siblings...
Yeah, bath seat is the way to go. Even though you only use them about 6 months...they are worth their weight in gold...or chiropracter visits!
Thanks for the kind words!
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