I have been exploring our new camera. I'd love to get to the point where I can take the kids portraits myself instead of going to the studio each year. We get an 8x10 each bday for each child, stick it in a frame in the stairwell and put the old 8x10's in an album (which is so fun to look through!). Soooo, I got a digital photo book and decided to do a "photo shoot" with Levi. Here are 2 of my favs...

A few nights later I came up to my room to get my jams on and had to change Levi. He was so cute nakie that I got the camera out and snapped some shots. Here are 2 more of my favs...

We found these glasses in the van Monday...and had to try them on Levi. As soon as Owen saw, he freaked out and had to have them... He was afraid that Levi was gonna put them in his mouth!

Thanks! Yeah, the third is the best one in my opinion!
Ooooh I love the pics too... I love the red background and Levi's cute little cottage-cheese bottom (like Aidan's!!).
I love love love the sunglasses picture- it is hilarious!!
great pictures! especially the naked ones :)
great pictures! especially the naked ones :)
How cute is he!!! Love him.
Oh look at that cute little naked baby butt! what a cutie... Love and miss you all.
definitely desi's kid- i refer to the pic with the pose with the phone. is that a phone? the look is definitely desi, and maybe a bit of blue steel...
Becky, it's the camera lens cap...good for teething! Yeah, I see a bit of blue steel :)
Cottage cheese buns never looked better!
yes, well, i happen to have a serious problem thinking it's all about the phone...
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