Hope and I are taking this week off since Grandma and Abby have it off. We went to the zoo today with my mom. I brought my camera but failed to put a memory card in it…so no pictures. We enjoyed seeing a variety of animals, especially the hippos and lorikeets. A lady yelled at me to stop my kids from chasing the peacocks…apparently we could get kicked out of the zoo for chasing those birds.
After dinner I took the 3 older kids to Glenarm Rec Center (one block from our house) to sign them up for swimming lessons. Four weeks starting April 2, Mon & Wed’s for $18 a kid…pretty good. Owen and Emma will be in the same class and Hope will be in an older kid class but have her lesson at the same time. Hope is fearful of the deep end but Emma told me she’s not afraid.
Owen was so tired that he declined a bubble bath and while I was feeding Levi and the girls were in the bath, he put himself to bed! Now, you know a kid is tired when they put themselves to bed. Levi was teething really bad last night and woke Owen up around 1am…so Owen had to be pretty tired. In fact, I am pretty tired. Hope told me tonight she wanted to be a girl pastor when she grows up. I wonder where that came from...
The scooter bug has recently bitten me. Desi got his Vespa a while ago, and I just started riding it a few weeks ago. First I took it around the block, then around a few blocks, and then into busier streets and last night I took it to the grocery store! It’s pretty much the most fun thing I’ve done in the past few years. Really, there is something to it and now I know why so many people love their motorcycles! Desi rides it a lot. It gets close to 50 MPG, has a top speed of just under 50 MPH, we don’t need a motorcycle license and we can park it on sidewalks for free! You should come over and take it for a ride. You’ll love it!
P.S. The house 2 doors down has been empty for over a year. It finally sold and we met our new neighbors. They are a couple close to our age and seem really nice. I forgot their names already (should have written it down), but once they move in we plan on getting together for a BBQ. We look forward to getting to know them better. Hope was pretty dissapointed they don't have kids, but they will be dog sitting for a while so that's better than nothing!