These pics are all from day 2 of our trip (except for the first one-we rented this fun little cabin the first night). Tim drove us to Crazy Horse and we opted to take pics from the side of the road instead of paying the outrageous $25 to get closer. I took a pic of Tim's flier to give you an idea as to how far the project has come and how far it has to go. Maybe Levi's great grandson will see it's completion. Check out www.crazyhorse.org for more pics. We continued on our journey and Tim drove us to this beautifully scenic lake. We decided to take the short hike around it. Most of these pics are from that hike. I couldn't stop taking pics. The kids loved the hike, except at the end when it got pretty cold! Since we were in a protected area, the wildlife weren't really scared of our vehicle, so we got pretty close. The Black Hills of South Dakota are incredible...really more amazing that I would have thought! I'll be back for sure :)
Part 3 (Mt. Rushmore) coming soon...time for bed!
Wow! Those are some excellent pictures!
Desi and Owen are cracking me up in that first picture! Like father, like son, eh!
What a beautiful place. You guys are so cute, all bundled up.
Crazy Beautiful!
I love road trips! they are on of my favorite memories growing up! Can't wait to see the pics from Mt Rushmore ( although I do beleive that Tim beat you to it in posting them.)
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