Time flies when all you do all day is eat and sleep! Well, Levi does a bit more than that lately. He is getting a lot happier during his awake times. He enjoys the excersaucer, where he can watch the drama of the household unfold. Levi takes 1-2 long naps a day, which really helps his mama :) He also likes to watch me cook (sitting in the bouncy seat on the kitchen counter). His new skills this month include drooling like a mad dog (maybe a St.Bernard) and sucking his thumb. I don't know why it's so cute to watch him suck his thumb, but it really is! Must be a mama thing.

Couldn't resist these two pics...Emma just threw her arm around Hope tonight and I grabbed the camera.

Emma is such a cutie...really at the pinnacle of cuteness I think. She has this huge vocabulary, a strong, low voice, round belly and she's short....all a recipe for cuteness...in a child at least! She's showing off her "CARS" tattoo here.

He's a beauty, Rose... or I guess you don't say that about "guys". I guess I meant he's really good-looking and I love his big eyes and I love Emma's happy face where her cheeks almost make her eyes disappear. Definitely a wonderful "cute kid" trait!
I love the pic of Emma's tattoo! You know I was torn between getting a Lightning McQueen or a Tow-Mater tattoo. But now that I see how good the Tow-Mater can look my decision is made, and there isn't anything anyone can do to stop me.... :)
And by the way, I think by far you have the most adorable kids out there!!!
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