The picture below was taken noonish today, just 24 hours from the pictures above! That's Colorado for ya!

This is the first snowfall of the year and we are so excited! By this evening, there was enough snow to draw us outdoors. We decided to make snowmen with our friend/neighbor H.

Micah was a big help in the actual building of the snowmen. Thanks for the fun Micah!

How fun is that?!? It looks like the kids really enjoyed it too! I wish we got snow down here. I feel like we just got a "season change" because it cooled down to 75 degrees. Go figure... I guess we will just have to come out and visit so we can play in the snow wih the kids!
Yeah, I love the snow :) I didn't leave the house today... to cold and nowhere to go really. We'd love a visit from you guys! Gotta get our disks out for sledding :)
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