Hope loves school (for the most part...lol). We have this little student desk that somehow is more fun to do work on.
Monday, August 27, 2007
Our Little Homeschool
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Oh, the comfort, the inexpressible comfort of feeling safe with a person, having neither to weigh thoughts nor measure words, but pouring them all out, just as they are, chaff and grain together, certain that a faithful hand will take and sift them, keep what is worth keeping, and with a breath of kindness blow the rest away. ~Dinah Craik
ok i am seriously in need of a homeschool tutorial...
Your school day looks fun. We are starting next Monday and I am looking forward to it!
I live in CO too--Canon City--and we also attend an Evangelical Free Church. Ours is not a neighborhood plant but what you are doing sounds interesting! Hope to visit with you more soon!
Wow, how neat of God to have blessed you with a special space to have all your home school gear, plus a comfy environment to do it in that isn't the center of family life! The boats turned out so cool and I want to know what Owen has got in that blue cup 'cause it looks yummy and I want some!! ;)
Inspiring...I always need inspiration! Thanks Rose :)
I'm so glad you all love homeschooling so much. Hope looks so content! I wish I lived close enough to take part in the homeschooling like PE or field trips. May you have an incredibly fun year of learning.
Grandma Jan
Do you have any more Kevin Henkes books from your mom? The kids and I really enjoyed the book Chrysanthemum and the message it had for kids. And then making whipped cream chrysanthemums on our fingers, well that just made us love that book even more;)
Grandma jan
wow, rose, so cool that you homeschool, i can imagine what a challenge it must be sometimes, but also what a blessing! we are just doing reading, and i find that hard enough ;), but we want the kids to be able to read and write english too, not just speak it! jesaiah starts his first day of school in 2 weeks...not only in german, but they get french in first grade too!!!
ps...jan, we have crysantemum (sp) and another one by the same author called Chester's Way, also really cute and a good message for kids.
sorry for the long comment :)
kameron, I was thinking the SAME thing.....always food on the brain!!! You are also soooo organized and it looks like your daughter is too!
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