Wednesday, August 15, 2007

1st Day Of School

I started school with the kiddos on Monday. We will be in CA for 3 weeks in November, so I need to get a head start (otherwise we'll be working into June and that just won't work for me!). We are doing school in the basement this year, which will be much better. I have all our supplies down there, there are toys for Levi to play with, a bed to cuddle and read on and if we want to we can leave everything out to go eat or whatever. Last year, we used the dining room because Levi was an infant and it was just easier to be in the middle of the house, but it bugged me to have that mess out all the time. We are using My Father's World Curriculum again this year. We have nothing bad to say about wonderfully written and Bible centered. We are so looking forward to enjoying school this year.

Here is Owen who is starting Kindergarten. We'll do 2-4 days a week depending on what our days are like. I may take 2 years to take him through the curriculum.
Here's my beautiful Hope working on her spelling on the first day of school. Spelling is a new subject for Hope this year.
Hope's 2nd grade curriculum (Adventures) will overview US History this week. Hope learned about the Pledge Of Allegiance on Monday and we made these tasty patriotic treats. YUM!


Anonymous said...

Sigh, I have such wonderful memories of Adventures. We're on to Exploring Countries and Cultures this year, which also looks WONDERFUL (in fact, I'm more excited than I was for Adventures, due to the missions focus).

Your treats look divine. I bet the kids enjoyed them. And Hope couldn't be more beautiful. Your kids photograph soooo well, cuties that they all are (and talented mom behind the camera that they have).

We'll start around Sept 4th.

Paul and Kameron Morton said...

ha ha... I recognize the QUILT that Owen is sitting on!! :) That made me smile. Yay for starting school again (when are you going to be out here?!) and yay for the the yummy-summery treats- what is the blue stuff?

Anonymous said...

It is exciting to see them smiling about school. What a great way to help motivate them too with the patriotic deserts. Wonderful job Rose.

Grandpa Des

melissa said...

Congratulations on starting school! I'm trying to get a few projects finished up before we start... having a basement to keep all the homseschool stuff in sounds heavenly! Hauling it all out and having to clear it to eat at the table is a pain...I hope for a homeschool room in our attic someday.