Our little man Owen turned 5 today. Where has the time gone? I laid in bed with him tonight and told him the story of his birth.
I remember Desi had a bunch of Jr. Highers to take to summer camp the day I was due. The church we were at was going to give him a cell phone that he would have so I could reach him. I wasn't too excited about it, so I took things into my own hands...and drank caster oil mixed with Coke. I'll spare you the details, but a few hours later I was in hard labor and early Sunday morning I was on my way to the hospital (in hard labor). Sparing you even more details, Owen was born about an hour after getting to the hospital (naturally-which is REALLY PAINFUL).
I recalled to Owen how excited daddy and I were to meet him and how healthy and wonderful he was. Many people came to visit him and his big sister Hope could not get enough of him. I told him how God wanted him in our family and how special he is and that God has a wonderful and exciting plan for his life. I asked for a big hug and kiss. I was denied the kiss. For the past 6 months or so, he does not want kisses (he's a germ-a-phobe...scared of germs). This is why I kiss Levi about a 100 times a day! After I got up, he complained that I heated up his mattress, so I offered that he use my bed for a little bit till his mattress got cool again. He's still in my bed. We had a great party for him today with friends, family and neighbors. He got a lot of nice gifts...mostly car stuff which is his favorite. Thanks to all who came and all who sent gifts. We are blessed. Here are a few pics from back in the day.
Owen at 2.5 months old.
I remember Desi had a bunch of Jr. Highers to take to summer camp the day I was due. The church we were at was going to give him a cell phone that he would have so I could reach him. I wasn't too excited about it, so I took things into my own hands...and drank caster oil mixed with Coke. I'll spare you the details, but a few hours later I was in hard labor and early Sunday morning I was on my way to the hospital (in hard labor). Sparing you even more details, Owen was born about an hour after getting to the hospital (naturally-which is REALLY PAINFUL).
I recalled to Owen how excited daddy and I were to meet him and how healthy and wonderful he was. Many people came to visit him and his big sister Hope could not get enough of him. I told him how God wanted him in our family and how special he is and that God has a wonderful and exciting plan for his life. I asked for a big hug and kiss. I was denied the kiss. For the past 6 months or so, he does not want kisses (he's a germ-a-phobe...scared of germs). This is why I kiss Levi about a 100 times a day! After I got up, he complained that I heated up his mattress, so I offered that he use my bed for a little bit till his mattress got cool again. He's still in my bed. We had a great party for him today with friends, family and neighbors. He got a lot of nice gifts...mostly car stuff which is his favorite. Thanks to all who came and all who sent gifts. We are blessed. Here are a few pics from back in the day.
Owen at 2.5 months old.
Owen 1 year old.
Pictures from the party will be posted soon!
I remember Desi calling and asking us to come quickly to watch Hope. About an hour later you had Owen. I've never seen anyone have a baby so fast! Except my neighbor Dora who I helped with the home delivery of her 4th child because she couldn't make it to the hospital. I'll spare you the details, but I never would sit on her couch again!
Germs huh!?! So that's why Owen doesn't want to kiss! However, every time Grandpa asks for a kiss, Owen is very willing. Maybe he doesn't think Grandpa has cooties. I agree with Owen, I like Grandpa's kisses too!
Grandma Jan
Happy Birthday!!!! What sweet memories!!! Thank you for sparing the details. :)
Sooooo... I'm curious about the castor oil thing; is that supposed to induce labor (would it be bad to take it, like, now?! Just kidding!)? Huh.
Well, it looks like your Owen is a very special and exciting part of your family. What a blessing he is, I'm sure. Happy birthday, little man!
happy birthday owen.
you are growing up fast..young man.
i have always been envious of your hair.
it always looks styled and cool.
keep smilin little buddy.
Wow Rose! you are the first women I know to have actually followed through with the castor oil. I know many that have seriously considered it but have lacked the courage to do so. Very impressive! I was desperate to have ella rose and tried many things, one of which was repeatedly going up and down my basement stairs as fast as I could and making troy walk circles in the local mall with me for hours at a time...it's amazing the things one will consider when in that last leg of pregnancy and all you can do is obsess on not being pregnant one second longer!
And yes I am with you, having a baby come fast and hard is VERY painful..barely made it to the hospital with Luciana, we thought she might be born in the car. Okay, I'm done with my book! Happy Birthday to Owen. I LOVE the last picture in this post!!!
Where, I ask WHERE was the tissue warning? Beautiful post that stirs sentimental thoughts.
I for sure can attest to that! Owen is the man!!!! It was only a few weeks ago, on my way back to Kansas City, MO that Owen came to me with his pail of "daily bread" bible verses! He gave me pink and green b/c "they mathced my present!" how thoughtful...lol! Anyway...Every single word touched me and gave me a brighter outlook as to where I was headed! Thanks Owen and I'm sorry I missed ur B-Day!!! hope u had a blast!
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