For those of you who might be interested in the history of our neighborhood, here is a link to some great info. I learned some new things! We just love our neighborhood and neighbors! Speaking of neighbors, around the corner our friends just listed their house...they are moving to DC. Want to be our neighbor?! We are praying that the folks who move in will be just as great as the ones leaving!
Friday, August 31, 2007
Thursday, August 30, 2007
Zoo Trip With the Kylanders -2007
We enjoyed a trip to the zoo last Friday night with the Kylander family. The kids loved seeing the animals and running around like monkeys. We have a great little Zoo here in Denver and in about 90 minutes we had made it all around and were tuckered out! We all slept well that night!
Monday, August 27, 2007
Our Little Homeschool
Hope loves school (for the most We have this little student desk that somehow is more fun to do work on.
Go Rockies!
Our church gathered at a Rockies game last Saturday evening. I had thought, "We'll go for maybe an hour and then head home...hopefully the kids do well, but I doubt they will last very long. At least the tickets for the Rock Pile seats are cheap." We ended up staying for the whole game! Click here to see the photos. We brought food and drinks and bought 2 bags of cotton candy for the kids which they loved (of course). We spent all of $14 dollars and loved hanging out with everyone. It's so great to have a group of friends that enjoy our kids and are a good influence in their lives. At one point the kids (big and small) were throwing peanut shells at each other. It is one of those few times that can kids throw things at adults and not get in trouble! To top it all off, the Rockies won their game!
Ancient Paths Church,
Our Kiddos
Thursday, August 23, 2007
APC -Outreach & Tree Chop
Have you ever used a chain saw? Well, I hadn't so when the opportunity knocked I answered happily! You know, power tools are pretty cool. I can see why men get addicted to them :)
Carrie needed a dead tree chopped down and instead of paying some tree guy, Micah and a few of the guys said they could do it. I love it when the Body of Christ steps us to help each other. So, I told the kids Tuesday morning, let's make sure we get school done early so we can go get 7Eleven slurpees and watch the guys chop down a tree at Miss Carrie's house. Home school is so great! They were so excited and even helped bundle up all the branches. Click here to see all the wonderful photos.

Last Saturday we joined up with Faith EFC to do a Back To School BBQ/Outreach in Curtis Park. It was a great time to get connected with the neighborhood again (we did VBS there in June). The kiddos were happy to get school supplies and backpacks, play games and grab a hot dog or two. We had great fellowship and connected with some of the parents too. Praise God for a great day! Click here to see all the photos.
Carrie needed a dead tree chopped down and instead of paying some tree guy, Micah and a few of the guys said they could do it. I love it when the Body of Christ steps us to help each other. So, I told the kids Tuesday morning, let's make sure we get school done early so we can go get 7Eleven slurpees and watch the guys chop down a tree at Miss Carrie's house. Home school is so great! They were so excited and even helped bundle up all the branches. Click here to see all the wonderful photos.
Last Saturday we joined up with Faith EFC to do a Back To School BBQ/Outreach in Curtis Park. It was a great time to get connected with the neighborhood again (we did VBS there in June). The kiddos were happy to get school supplies and backpacks, play games and grab a hot dog or two. We had great fellowship and connected with some of the parents too. Praise God for a great day! Click here to see all the photos.
Tim & Lauren's Visit
Our friends Tim and Lauren came out a few weeks ago for a visit. We had a great time with them and were blessed that they took time to spend with us. Thursday we went to REI and then rode the Platte Valley Trolley. Tim & Lauren spent a day in the Rocky Mountians and were here for Owen's birthday party. Here are a few pics from their time out here. The kiddos just loved spending time with Uncle Tim and Lauren.
P.S. Thanks Tim & Lauren for Owen's gifts (the stomp rocket is so cool) and CONGRATS on your engagement!
P.S. Thanks Tim & Lauren for Owen's gifts (the stomp rocket is so cool) and CONGRATS on your engagement!
Tuesday, August 21, 2007
Owen's 5th Birthday Photos
Here they are finally. The pics from Owen's party. We had such a great day and are blessed with wonderful friends and family. I took a LOT of photos (mostly for the family who couldn't make it)...good thing I figured out how to use this Picasa album thing!
Sunday, August 19, 2007
A friend emailed this to me recently. I loved it…especially the last line. How quickly I forget what an amazing task God has given me and just look at how unconvinced I am all the time! Truly I love my children, but sometimes-let’s be honest ladies- daily, they expose my sin!!! That’s not so fun. I am thankful though because I am driven to the cross and have to daily, hourly even, call on Him who knows me so well. This is my high calling for now: the godly training of my children. I can get so overwhelmed some days and just plain mad that they are so childish. I have to remind myself how young they are and that God is lovingly in control of it all. I see them maturing and get these moments where I can just live in that moment and they are so precious, you know. It’s hard to describe, but I have been praying that I can focus on the good and forget the bad and I have had moments of truly enjoying my children like never before. Talking to Hope and Owen and really focusing on them (aka: not doing anything else at the same time), or playing a game with Emma, or rolling a ball with Levi. I think it’s those small things where I completely focus on them that are the biggest boost for me lately as a mother. Well, here I am rambling again, so I’ll add the quote. Thanks to Laura E. for sending it my way!
"O dear mothers, please understand that you have a very sacred trust reposed in you by God! He has in effect said unto you, "Take this child away, and nurse it for Me, and I will give thee thy wages" (Exodus 2:9). You are called to equip the future man of God, that he may be "thoroughly furnished unto all good works" (2 Timothy 3:17). If God spares you, you may live to hear that pretty boy speak to thousands, and you will have that sweet reflection in your heart that the quiet teachings of the nursery led the adult man to love his God and serve Him. Those who think that a woman detained at home by her little family is doing nothing, think the reverse of what is true. Scarcely can the godly mother quit her home for a place of worship. However, dream not that she is lost to the work of the church. Far from it, she is doing the best possible service for her Lord. Mothers, the godly training of your offspring is your first and most pressing duty. Christian women, by teaching children the Holy Scriptures, are as much fulfilling their part for the Lord as Moses did in judging Israel, or Solomon in building the temple." C.H. Spurgeon
"O dear mothers, please understand that you have a very sacred trust reposed in you by God! He has in effect said unto you, "Take this child away, and nurse it for Me, and I will give thee thy wages" (Exodus 2:9). You are called to equip the future man of God, that he may be "thoroughly furnished unto all good works" (2 Timothy 3:17). If God spares you, you may live to hear that pretty boy speak to thousands, and you will have that sweet reflection in your heart that the quiet teachings of the nursery led the adult man to love his God and serve Him. Those who think that a woman detained at home by her little family is doing nothing, think the reverse of what is true. Scarcely can the godly mother quit her home for a place of worship. However, dream not that she is lost to the work of the church. Far from it, she is doing the best possible service for her Lord. Mothers, the godly training of your offspring is your first and most pressing duty. Christian women, by teaching children the Holy Scriptures, are as much fulfilling their part for the Lord as Moses did in judging Israel, or Solomon in building the temple." C.H. Spurgeon
Wednesday, August 15, 2007
1st Day Of School
I started school with the kiddos on Monday. We will be in CA for 3 weeks in November, so I need to get a head start (otherwise we'll be working into June and that just won't work for me!). We are doing school in the basement this year, which will be much better. I have all our supplies down there, there are toys for Levi to play with, a bed to cuddle and read on and if we want to we can leave everything out to go eat or whatever. Last year, we used the dining room because Levi was an infant and it was just easier to be in the middle of the house, but it bugged me to have that mess out all the time. We are using My Father's World Curriculum again this year. We have nothing bad to say about wonderfully written and Bible centered. We are so looking forward to enjoying school this year.
Here is Owen who is starting Kindergarten. We'll do 2-4 days a week depending on what our days are like. I may take 2 years to take him through the curriculum.
Here is Owen who is starting Kindergarten. We'll do 2-4 days a week depending on what our days are like. I may take 2 years to take him through the curriculum.
Tuesday, August 14, 2007
Veggie Garden Giants: My Yellow Zucchini
Look at these babies! We had half of one tonight and it was pretty tasty! I am learning a lot about veggie gardening this year.
Note to self: The Zucchini grows like crazy and will spread like wildfire...need more room next year. I'll post more pics corn, sunflowers, green beans (got a handful- didn't pick them soon enough and they yellowed) and I think there are carrots growing somewhere.
Monday, August 13, 2007
APC -Outreach Opportunity & Lair O' The Bear
Please keep our church in your prayers: We are joining up with Faith EFC to do an outreach this Saturday in Curtis Park from 10am to 3pm. We'll be handing out school supplies to the neighborhood kiddos, playing games with them and hosting a free BBQ for everyone. Pray that we'll be able to make real connections and God would be glorfied! Thanks!
Our little man all tuckered out after church 2 sundays ago in Lair O' The Bear. Click here to see all the pics. We love having church in God's creation!
Saturday, August 11, 2007
Happy 5th Birthday Owen!
Our little man Owen turned 5 today. Where has the time gone? I laid in bed with him tonight and told him the story of his birth.
I remember Desi had a bunch of Jr. Highers to take to summer camp the day I was due. The church we were at was going to give him a cell phone that he would have so I could reach him. I wasn't too excited about it, so I took things into my own hands...and drank caster oil mixed with Coke. I'll spare you the details, but a few hours later I was in hard labor and early Sunday morning I was on my way to the hospital (in hard labor). Sparing you even more details, Owen was born about an hour after getting to the hospital (naturally-which is REALLY PAINFUL).
I recalled to Owen how excited daddy and I were to meet him and how healthy and wonderful he was. Many people came to visit him and his big sister Hope could not get enough of him. I told him how God wanted him in our family and how special he is and that God has a wonderful and exciting plan for his life. I asked for a big hug and kiss. I was denied the kiss. For the past 6 months or so, he does not want kisses (he's a germ-a-phobe...scared of germs). This is why I kiss Levi about a 100 times a day! After I got up, he complained that I heated up his mattress, so I offered that he use my bed for a little bit till his mattress got cool again. He's still in my bed. We had a great party for him today with friends, family and neighbors. He got a lot of nice gifts...mostly car stuff which is his favorite. Thanks to all who came and all who sent gifts. We are blessed. Here are a few pics from back in the day.
Owen at 2.5 months old.
I remember Desi had a bunch of Jr. Highers to take to summer camp the day I was due. The church we were at was going to give him a cell phone that he would have so I could reach him. I wasn't too excited about it, so I took things into my own hands...and drank caster oil mixed with Coke. I'll spare you the details, but a few hours later I was in hard labor and early Sunday morning I was on my way to the hospital (in hard labor). Sparing you even more details, Owen was born about an hour after getting to the hospital (naturally-which is REALLY PAINFUL).
I recalled to Owen how excited daddy and I were to meet him and how healthy and wonderful he was. Many people came to visit him and his big sister Hope could not get enough of him. I told him how God wanted him in our family and how special he is and that God has a wonderful and exciting plan for his life. I asked for a big hug and kiss. I was denied the kiss. For the past 6 months or so, he does not want kisses (he's a germ-a-phobe...scared of germs). This is why I kiss Levi about a 100 times a day! After I got up, he complained that I heated up his mattress, so I offered that he use my bed for a little bit till his mattress got cool again. He's still in my bed. We had a great party for him today with friends, family and neighbors. He got a lot of nice gifts...mostly car stuff which is his favorite. Thanks to all who came and all who sent gifts. We are blessed. Here are a few pics from back in the day.
Owen at 2.5 months old.
Owen 1 year old.
Pictures from the party will be posted soon!
The New Kitchen Floor
We had a request (miss you Brent & Lisa) for a close up of our kitchen floor.
It is cork and we LOVE it!
It is cork and we LOVE it!
The New Laundry Room
My brother Jason was a big help with the new drywall.
Notice the new vinyl tile floor that Desi and I put in. I love it-easy to install and inexpensive!
Note: the yellow is where the blue is, but there are two white walls and the steps are painted brown. I'll post a pic later. Our neighbor Candace came over for a few hours over three days to paint for us. Desi and I helped her a bit here and there, but without her, it probably would not have gotten done before our friends flew in for a visit.
Once again...neighbors are great :)
Goofy Plastic Glasses
Our neighbor Pepper gave the kiddos little goody bags with candy and plastic glasses and bracelets. Now we've had these little plastic glasses before, but they have never been played with like they were on this day! The kids became PURE GOOF BALLS once they put them on and it was hilarious to watch them. I had to grab the camera.
Friday, August 10, 2007
Goodbye Neighbor!
We had our neighbor Devin over for a goodbye dinner a little while back. She had been living with her dad right next door. We just love her :) She was great with the kiddos and we enjoyed wonderful conversation (she's a believer) and rousing games of Phase 10! It was time for her to move back to Kansas City, MO and we're really gonna miss her.
Thursday, August 09, 2007
City Park Fountain
Near the end of the Voss' visit in Denver we took them to City Park to enjoy this cool fountain on a really HOT day. The kids just loved it and we spent close to two hours splashing, laughing and climbing on the fountain. Even Levi loved it and I had to get him out and warm him up a couple times (his lips were blue). I took TONS of pics and had a hard time narrowing them down, so here are some of my favorites.
Saturday, August 04, 2007
Hammond's Candy Factory
While the Voss family was visiting we wanted to do something Denver-ish and fun. Hammond's Candy Factory is close to our house and has free factory tours. The kids had a blast (how could they not) and we were able to sample a few free candies. YUM!
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